Community Care: Balancing Work and Well-Being
Sun Dec 15, 2024 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Watauga Agricultural Conference Center, 28607
Join Blue Ridge Women in Agriculture, Kristin Wilson, and Dr. Olivia Dhaliwal for a workshop centered on care, connection, and community for our High Country farmers. This supportive space is designed for reflection, healing, and meaningful connections with fellow farmers.
At this workshop we’ll explore practices of healing and wellness that help to sustain your farming career. We will focus on both physical and mental care practices for you to implement to support your body and mind while farming.
A panel of wellness providers, including acupuncturists and massage therapists, will be offering free, abbreviated sessions. Reserve your session here—please sign up only if you plan to attend!
The workshop will conclude with a nourishing community meal of tea, soup, and bread, intended to uplift your spirit, support your well-being, and reinforce the vital role you play in our community. Come to receive care, connect with others, and leave feeling valued and refreshed.
About Blue Ridge Women in Agriculture: Blue Ridge Women in Agriculture helps build an equitable, sustainable High Country local food system by supporting producers and cultivating community connections that educate, inspire, and increase the demand for local food. This workshop is part of BRWIA's 2024 CRAFT Summer Workshop Series. Blue Ridge Collaborative Regional Alliance for Farmer Training (CRAFT) cultivates meaningful mentor relationships between aspiring and experienced farmers. We believe that the educational and professional development of tomorrow’s growers and producers informs the health of our diverse local-food system and rural economy. Check out our other workshops and events for producers at
Watauga Agricultural Conference Center, 28607