Sedges for Beginners
Thu 12 Jun 2025 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM BST
Orton Market Hall, CA10 3RU
This course will start indoors in the morning then visit Tarn Moor in the afternoon. Tarn Moor is a rich botanical site on the Orton limestones of Westmorland and is a mosaic of base-rich and acidic areas. More than 25 different species of Carex have been recorded here with C. diandra (Lesser Tussock-sedge), C. dioica (Dioecious Sedge), C. elata (Tufted Sedge) and C. hostiana (Tawny Sedge) probably the pick of the bunch. Many other attractive species, including Primula farinosa (Bird’s-eye Primrose) and a fine array of orchids, are frequent and should be at their best in early June. If time allows we will also look at Carex capillaris (Hair Sedge) which grows nearby.
This day course is mainly aimed at sedge beginners but due to the richness of the site it will also suit intermediate sedge enthusiasts. We will start with the features of sedges most useful at identifying them, work with a range of sedge specimens indoors and then move out onto site in the afternoon. Numbers will be limited to 14.
This will be a full day meeting so please bring a packed lunch. The distance covered will not be great, but parts will be very wet so waterproof boots or wellies are essential. Although Tarn Moor can be idyllic at this time of year, please come prepared for less clement conditions. The indoor meeting has toilets and facilities to make tea and coffee. There are no facilities at Tarn Moor.
Contact Peter Bullard:
Orton Market Hall, CA10 3RU