An introduction to Cinquefoil (Potentilla) grassland species ID
Sat 11 Sep 2021 10:15 AM - 11:00 AM BST
Online, Zoom
***You can book right up until the start of the event***
This is the second year of the BSBI Irish Grasslands Project which aims to increase recording and knowledge of grassland plant species across Ireland.
Join Cinquefoil (Potentilla) expert Dr Brenda Harold for this online webinar which will give an introduction to the genus and the species that you are most likely to come across in grasslands. For completeness, Brenda will briefly mention introduced Potentilla species and those of other habitats.
Brenda will give a second webinar on Saturday 18th on Potentilla erecta, reptans, anglica and their hybrids for which you can book for by clicking the link.
These free webinars and the Irish Grasslands Project has been kindly funded by the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS). You will be sent a link via email when you register. Everyone interested in Potentilla ID is very welcome, whether based in Ireland, Britain or elsewhere.
The programme will begin at 10.15 with a training session, followed by your questions from around 10.45 onwards.
BSBI Irish Grasslands Project
We plan to record the webinar and make it available online along with previous training webinars on grassland plant identification on the BSBI Irish Grasslands Project page.
BSBI Training videos
We have over 20 training videos (all free to view) on a wide range of botanical topics on the BSBI Training playlist.
BSBI membership
If you are getting serious about Cinquefoil identification then you would definitely enjoy and benefit from joining the BSBI. View the BSBI membership page to find out more.
Photo credit: John Crellin, Floral Images