2022 BSBI Irish Autumn Meeting
Sat 24 Sep 2022 10:20 AM - 5:00 PM BST
Glasnevin National Botanic Garden, D09 VY63
Everyone, including all BSBI members and interested non-members, is very welcome to the Irish Autumn Meeting & AGM.
*** Revised Programme***
Morning Session
10.20 Welcome
10.25 Ireland Officer's Year : Paul Green
10.40 The montane flora of West Galway: John Conaghan
10.55 Managing dunes for biodiversity: Aoife Delaney
11.10 Coffee/tea break (provided)
11.35 Irish Scaly Male-ferns – a taxonomic study: Alison Evans
12.20 Looking at rare plants in Tipperary: Anne Lloyd
12.45 Lunch break (not provided, available in the café, or bring a picnic)
Afternoon Session
13.45 Introduction to spikey-rosette aquatics: Nick Stewart
14.15 A choice of:
- visiting the gardens with Nick Stewart to look at aquatic plants
- visiting herbarium with Alison Evans to look at Scaly Male-ferns***FULLY BOOKED***
- freetime to explore gardens and / or catch up with friends
15.00 coffee/tea break (provided)
15.30 A choice of attending AGM or one of the two (repeated) practical sessions or freetime:
- BSBI Irish Annual General Meeting
- visit the gardens with Nick Stewart to look at aquatic plants (repeat for those not on earlier outing)
- visit herbarium with Alison Evans to look at Scaly Male-ferns (repeat for those not on earlier session)
- freetime - or leave early
Registration is essential. There is no set fee but we would be delighted if you would make a small donation to help cover the cost of providing mid-morning and afternoon teas and coffees and our organisation and admin costs.
Starting Time
The start time in the Glasnevin Lecture Theatre is 10.20, but why don't you arrive at 10am and grab a coffee with friends in the adjacent Botanic Gardens cafe? But don't arrive much earlier than that, as the Gardens and cafe don't open until 10am.
The BSBI Irish AGM will be held at 15.30 in the main lecture theatre and while everyone is very welcome, only Irish BSBI Members may vote. Note the building will close at 17.00 sharp.
As numbers will be limited on the visits to the Gardens and herbarium, they will be repeated to allow more choice. You can also use the time to explore the Gardens and catch-up with friends. And of course after the break you can also attend the BSBI Irish AGM!
Aquatic Field Day
As part of the Aquatic Plant Project, Nick Stewart will lead an Aquatic Field training day along the nearby Royal Canal on Sunday 25th September. Numbers will have to be limited again and booking using this link is essential.
Although this is a face-to-face event that will not be live-streamed, we might experimentally try to record the talks so they can be made available afterwards - if successful.
With global warming and the high cost of fuel we'd really like to encourage participants to travel by public transport or at least car share. To facilitate car sharing, if you are happy to share your contact details and book before the 19 September, we will send you a participant list with participants' contact details on the 20 September. ***THIS OPTION IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE***
Social media
Use #BSBIAutumnMeeting on @BSBI_Ireland to follow the event on Twitter. Facebook: @IrishSectionBSBI
Please do not attend if feeling unwell, or you have Covid symptoms. Hand sanitiser will be provided, and those attending are very welcome to wear a mask if they wish.
BSBI Privacy Policy
We hold the information requested from you in order to administer this event, and to suggest future BSBI events that may be of interest to you. We will treat your information as confidential, hold it securely and will never pass it on to third parties.
Our Privacy Policy is available to view or download here: bsbi.org/download/10855/
Photo Credit
Many thanks to Carol Gilroy for her splendid photograph above of Oysterplant (Mertensia maritima), Isle of Doagh, Co. Donegal, an entry to the BSBI Photographic Competition in 2017.
Glasnevin National Botanic Garden, D09 VY63