Bracknell BID Renewal Workshop
Wed 6 Mar 2024 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Waitrose Conference Centre, RG12 8FD
The Bracknell Business Improvement District (BID) team would like to invite you and your colleagues to the Bracknell BID Renewal Workshop: Shaping the future of Bracknell BID for the next five years: 2025-2030
The event will take place on Wednesday 6th March 2024, 8.30am – 10am at Waitrose Conference Centre, Willoughby Road, Bracknell RG12 8FD.
As a business located in Bracknell BID area you are invited to attend the workshop to talk about the future of the BID area as part of the renewal consultation.
Come and join us and help shape the next five years of Bracknell BID.
The event is FREE to attend. A light breakfast and refreshments will be included.
For more information, please email or telephone 01344 949080.
Note: this event is for businesses located in the Southern and Western Business Areas only.
Waitrose Conference Centre, RG12 8FD