Kindness Essentials
Wed 7 Jun 2023 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Being compassionate is a quality that can be learnt. Kindness behaviour is a training. Learning how to be kind supports our physical and mental wellbeing. Being kind is not about being nice or being passive. It is an active, courageous quality that has the ability to positively impact our lives, and the lives of those around us. Kindness can even boost our immune systems, and help us live long, thriving and healthy lives.
Over 4 weeks this June, you will learn the tools and techniques to cultivate compassion in yourself and others, learning to appreciate those who are close to you, and those whom you don’t know, but are connected to you through a shared humanity. The tools which include meditation training are practical and accessible to all.
On this course you will learn how to:
Relate to yourself and others with greater awareness and care.
Improve your emotional resilience.
Let go of painful grudges towards other people.
Cultivate appreciation, gratitude and generosity.
Feel more connected with yourself and those around you.
You will receive:
- The digital Kindness Behaviour Training book by the founder of Breathing Space, former NHS consultant psychiatrist Dr Paramabandhu Groves.
A booklet to record and reflect on your practices.
Weekly guided meditations to download.
Weekly email summaries.
Home practice guidance.
Opportunities to check in and ask questions.
This course takes place online over zoom.
Led by Buddhist teachers- Dharmavartin and Jayasuri.