Finding space in pressured times: a BAMBA Day Retreat
Sun 27 Mar 2022 10:00 AM - 4:30 PM BST
Online, Zoom
Welcome to the second annual retreat hosted by the
British Association of Mindfulness Based Approaches
and led by Prof Rebecca Crane
and experienced BAMBA colleagues.
This rare opportunity to be with Rebecca Crane will enable us to come together and practise as a mindfulness community. Author of several books and numerous seminal papers on mindfulness, trainer and retreat leader, Director of the Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice at Bangor University, international trainer in MBCT and MBSR, Rebecca's contribution to the UK mindfulness field is unparalleled. As the second convenor of BAMBA's predecessor organisation, it is also wonderful that she is able to lead our second annual retreat.
The mostly silent day will be suitable for those with some experience of mindfulness. If you are a mindfulness teacher on the BAMBA register, the day will count towards the fulfilment of your annual retreat requirement as outlined by the Good Practice Guidelines. The day will be made up of guided mindfulness practices and will connect you with those at BAMBA representing your interests as mindfulness teachers, trainers and practitioners.
All money raised from the day will go to support the work of BAMBA. 'Standard' tickets for the day can be bought for £30 or 'Support BAMBA' tickets at £60. BAMBA needs to expand its team to meet the challenges required of a professional body. Your ticket, and any additional donations that you might be able to make, would support our work broadening access to mindfulness provision and maintaining the quality of mindfulness teaching through upholding recognised standards. A link will be sent to you when you register.
We don't want financial circumstances to be a bar to attendance. Please pay one penny plus what you can afford in the donation box if the ticket price is prohibitive.