Burren Winterage Weekend 2024 TICKETS
Fri 25 Oct 2024 4:30 PM - Sun 27 Oct 2024 2:00 PM IST
Welcome to Burren Winterage Weekend 2024. Join us to celebrate the the unique farming traditions of the Burren and other ‘high nature value’ farming landscapes across Ireland and Europe, and to share ideas on how we can all engage with and take action for our landscapes.
Events take place between Friday 25th October to Sunday 27th October. Advance booking is essential for all events (unless otherwise stated).
Burren Winterage Weekend is coordinated by Burrenbeo Trust - a landscape charity that does not receive any core funding. We work hard to sustain our 25 plus programmes each year, connecting people with place and their role in caring for them. There are many ways you can support us - please visit burrenbeo.com for details.
This year we are grateful to receive funding support for this event from The National Parks and Wildlife Service, The Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine, Creative Ireland and FBD Trust.