CAG Training Series - An introduction to encouraging sustainable behaviour change
Mon 18 Mar 2024 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM GMT
Online, Zoom
Free online event on Monday 18th March 7-8:30pm
This is a joint event hosted by CAG Devon and CAG Somerset, our March Training Series is free for anyone to join to give you a taste of the training offered by the CAG networks.
Human behaviour is complex, mysterious, and incredibly interesting! Join us for an introduction to changing behaviours that aims to de-mystify why people behave the way they do and provide you with key behaviour change tools to use in real life. We will cover:
- Causes and effects on behaviour
- Key behaviour change theories and techniques
- Planning your own intervention
- Measuring success
This is an interactive session; attendees will be given the opportunity to contribute if they wish and there will be simple tasks throughout with plenty of time for open discussion of ideas.
The session is suitable for everyone and anyone who is involved or interested in changing human behaviours for the better, whether that’s for the benefit of the environment, community, or other worthwhile cause.