Mon 5 Sep 2022 9:00 AM - Mon 31 Jul 2023 10:30 PM BST
Online, www.candleconferences.com
GCSE Religious Studies is not easy!
Not only are students expected to learn a huge amount of detailed, challenging content in very little time, but they also need to be able to evaluate any aspect of that content in the exam, making and defending a well-informed academic judgement… in 15 minutes or less! Even when they know and understand the material, many students struggle to write good answers to the 12/15 mark questions, and this stands in the way of them achieving the top grades. Other students struggle to know how to develop the points they make, using and analysing evidence appropriately.
Building on the success of our Masterclass for A Level Religious Studies, this unique online course, written and presented by Charlotte Vardy, aims to support GCSE RS students in improving their writing-skills for GCSE Religious Studies, whatever exam-board and options they are working with...
- Each student receives their own login details by e-mail, which will provide access to the course until 31st July 2023.
- The course comprises a .pdf booklet to print off and work through as students watch a series of video-units, each a maximum of 20 minutes long.
- Students can work through the course at their own pace. In total the course will take at least 2 hours to complete.
- We provide a multiple-choice “theory test” which schools can use to test students understanding of the course-content, should this be appropriate.
To Book
Access to the GCSE Masterclass costs £5 per student (or teacher) (5/09/22 until 31/07/23)
● -20% block-booking discount when 20+ students from the same school book online (contact us for the discount code)
With Candle you get:
- Up-to-date scholarly content made engaging and tailored to the real needs of GCSE and A Level students.
- Sessions and resources designed by practicing teachers with a record of engaging students of all abilities.
- Easy, secure online booking
e-mail: info@candleconferences.com
Tel: 0208 133 2241
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