Cwmwl Tystion 111 / Empathy
Thu 6 Jun 2024 7:30 PM - 10:30 PM
Theatr Soar, CF47 8UB
Cwmwl Tystion III / Empathy
Mehefin 6ed @ 7:30 pm - 10:30 pm
Bydd y prosiect cerddorol rhyngwladol o Gymru, Cwmwl Tystion yn ymweld â Theatr Soar fel rhan o’i taith o Gymru ar nos Iau 6ed o Fehefin 2024.
Mae’r trwmpedwr Tomos Williams wedi llwyddo, unwaith eto, i ymgynull casgliad rhyfeddol o gerddorion ar gyfer Cwmwl Tystion III / Empathy. O Gymru bydd Mared Williams ac Eadyth Crawford yn canu, ar y gitâr bydd Nguyên Lê o Ffrainc/Vietnam a bydd y cawr Melvin Gibbs, o Efrog Newydd ar y bâs. Bydd Tomos ar y trwmped, a Mark O’Connor ar y dryms ochr yn ochr ag effeithiau gweledol byw gan Simon Proffitt.
Mae Melvin Gibbs a Nguyên Lê yn adnabyddus ledled y byd ac mae’n dipyn o gamp iw denu i Gymru – arwydd o safon a gweledigaeth y prosiect, tra bod Mared ac Eadyth yn cael ei adnabod fel dwy o leisiau ifanc, mwya’ cyffrous Cymru.
Bydd y band yn perfformio cerddoriaeth newydd sy’n cynnwys elfennau o jazz, rock, yr avant-garde a cherddoriaeth werin Gymreig. Mae’r enw ‘Cwmwl Tystion‘ yn deillio o gerdd y bardd Waldo Williams a bydd y gerddoriaeth yn ystyried themâu yn deillio o hanes Cymru a’n hunaniaeth.
Noddir y cyfansoddiad ‘Cyfres Cwmwl Tystion’ gan Dŷ Cerdd, a gwnaethpwyd y daith yn bosibl yn sgil cefnogaeth ariannol gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru.
Yn ymchwilio i hanes ac hunaniaeth Cymru, i gyfeiliant celf-weledol fyw, bydd Cwmwl Tystion III / Empathy yn cyflwyno noson arloesol o gerddoriaeth gwreiddiol Gymraeg.
“Mae Cwmwl Tystion yn atgyfnerthu enw Tomos Williams fel un o gerddorion mwya arloesol a thalentog Cymru” – Jon Gower,
“Cyffrous, a chwbl Gymraeg…yn cynrychioli Cymru amlhiliol, amlddiwylliannol ac amlhaenog – yr hen a’r newydd yn dod ynghyd” – Sioned Webb, Barn
Tomos Williams – trwmped / cyfansoddwr
Mared Williams – llais
Eady Crawford – llais, effeithiau electroneg
Nguyên Lê – gitâr trydan
Melvin Gibbs – bâs
Mark O’Connor – drymiau
Simon Proffitt – celfyddyd weledol
Cwmwl Tystion III / Empathy
June 6th @ 7:30 pm - 10:30 pm
The ground-breaking musical project Cwmwl Tystion III / Empathy will visit Theatr Soar, Merthyr Tydfil as a part of its Welsh tour on Thursday 6th of June 2024.
Exploring Welsh history and identity accompanied by live interactive visuals, Cwmwl Tystion III / Empathy will perform original, unique Welsh music.
Trumpeter Tomos Williams has once again assembled an incredible band of Welsh and international talent for Cwmwl Tystion III / Empathy. Mared Williams and Eadyth Crawford are two of Wales’ most in-demand vocalists, Nguyên Lê is an internationally renowned electric guitarist from France via Vietnam, while Melvin Gibbs, from New York is a giant on the electric bass, and has been called ‘The greatest bassist in the world’ by Time Out New York. Tomos will once again be on trumpet and will compose a new Suite of music, while Mark O’Connor is in the drum seat alongside creative live visuals from Simon Proffitt.
Melvin Gibbs and Nguên Lê have international reputations and it’s some ‘coup’ to attract these two musicians to Wales – an indication of the quality and serious intent of the ‘Cwmwl Tystion’ project.
The band will perform original music (commissioned by Tŷ Cerdd) incorporating elements of jazz, heavy rock, the avant-garde and Welsh folk music. The name ‘Cwmwl Tystion’ (Cloud of witnesses) is derived from a poem by the great Welsh poet Waldo Williams and the music will deal with events and themes of identity from Welsh history.
The tour is made possible by financial support from The Arts Council of Wales and Tŷ Cerdd.
“From tender, Welsh-sung hymn to intricately orchestrated ensemble segments, and from pared-back lyricism and bluesy balladry to collective maelstrom, the music covers extensive territory…Politically provocative and musically engaging… its overarching theme of human rights, and human rights abuses, speaks to the world at large.” – All About Jazz
“This music stands up superbly in its own right and no knowledge of Welsh history is required to admire it but it really gains power from its political context’ – UKVibe
“With Cwmwl Tystion/Riot! Tomos Williams further consolidates his reputation as one of the most restlessly creative and seriously gifted musicians in Wales.” – Jon Gower,
“As a Welsh answer to Wadada Leo Smith, Matana Roberts and the late Don Cherry the Cwmwl Tystion project succeeds brilliantly and this represents another major artistic statement from Tomos Williams.” –
Tomos Williams – trumpet / composer
Mared Williams – voice
Eady Crawford – voice / effects
Nguyên Lê – electric guitar
Melvin Gibbs – bass guitar
Mark O’Connor – drums
Simon Proffitt – live visuals
Theatr Soar, CF47 8UB