Cyngerdd Lansio Organ Soar - Soar Organ Launch Concert
Sat 23 Sep 2023 7:00 PM - 10:15 PM
Theatr Soar, CF47 8UB
Mae'r noson arbennig wedi cyrraedd. Mae Organ unigryw Theatr Soar wedi deffro. Yn dilyn taith hir adnewyddiad yr organ, mae'r amser wedi dod i ddathlu ein trysor cymunedol.
Byddwn yn dathlu trwy ddod ag unigolion sydd wedi ein cefnogi ar ein taith. Bydd Dr William Reynolds, sydd wedi gwneud gwaith ymchwil ac ymgynghori i ddatblygu'r cais a chefnogi oruwchwiliad y prosiect adnewyddu yn canu'r organ am y tro cyntaf. Bydd Rhys Meirion, wnaeth helpu codi proffil y prosiect a chodi dros £2000 tuag at yr adnewyddiad, yn canu i ni. Byddwn hefyd yn dathlu cyfraniad Nevill John, y dyn wnaeth dod a'r prosiect organ yn fyw gyda'i syniadau i ddathlu cerddorion Merthyr, trwy wrando ar ddarn ysgrifennwyd gan Neville, gan Côr Clarinet De Cymru a Debra Williams. Cawn ein diddanu hefyd gan aelodau o'n cymuned, Côr Con Voce a Delyth a Bethan McLean, sydd wedi gweld y prosiect yn datblygu o'r cychwyn.
Dewch i ymuno gyda ni ar gyfer y bennod arbennig hon yn hanes Soar a thref Merthyr. bydd y noson yn dechrau am 7.00 yr hwyr.
The special night has arrived. Theatr Soar's unique Organ has awakened. Following the long journey of organ renewal, the time has come to celebrate our community treasure.
We will celebrate by bringing individuals who have supported us on our journey. Dr William Reynolds, who has carried out research and consultancy work to develop the application and support the supervision of the renovation project, will play the organ for the first time. Rhys Meirion, who helped raise the profile of the project and raised over £2000 towards the renovation, will sing for us. We will also celebrate the contribution of Nevill John, the man who brought the organ project to life with his ideas to celebrate the musicians of Merthyr, by listening to a piece written by Neville, by the South Wales Clarinet Choir and Debra Williams. We are also entertained by members of our community, Côr Con Voce and Delyth and Bethan McLean, who have seen the project develop from the start.
Come and join us for this special chapter in the history of Soar and the town of Merthyr. the evening will start at 7.00 in the evening.
Theatr Soar, CF47 8UB