Caerphilly: 1 day Workplace and/or Paediatric First Aid + optional +F Forestry
Tue 8 Aug 2023 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM BST
B2V The Bryn Field Bedwas, CF83 8BJ
Emergency First Aid at Work Level 3
This 6-hour (1 day) course is for small and low risk Businesses. It is also suitable for instructors and trainers that run small classes. e.g. yoga, swimming and martial arts teachers.
Emergency Paediatric First Aid Level 3
This 6-hour course is for people working with children and/or babies e.g childminders and nannies. It is also suitable for instructors and trainers that run small classes. e.g. yoga, swimming and martial arts teachers where they are teaching children. It does not meet the Ofsted / EYFS requirements for the 12 hour Paediatric First Aid course.
Optional Forestry (+F) add-on
If you need a +F Forestry qualification on top of your First Aid at Work qualification, you can book this as well. Just choose the appropriate ticket.
This qualification meets the requirements of the Forestry Commission
The courses run from 0900 - 1600hrs promptly each day. Please arrive ready to go by 0900 or you may not be able to participate.
All courses are delivered, evaluated and quality assured to meet the new guidelines set out by the HSE in October 2013 and meet the requirements of the First Aid at Work (First Aid) regulations 1981 and subsequent 2016 changes. The EFAW course fully meets the UK and European Resuscitation Council Guidelines 2015 as per the HSE requirements.
Directions: Directions to the venue will be sent by email once Booking is made.
Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible
Refreshments: Please provide your own
B2V The Bryn Field Bedwas, CF83 8BJ