Hedgerow Week 2023 – What’s in a Hedge?
Thu 7 Sep 2023 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Celbridge Library, W23 VA47
To celebrate National Hedgerow Week 2023, Celbridge Library will welcome two special guests to share their knowledge and wisdom on all things hedgerow!
Éanna Ní Lamhna, environmental consultant, radio and television presenter and educator, will be joined by author and tree-folklore specialist Niall Mac Coitir to discuss the wonders of our county’s hedgerows. Kildare County Council will also launch their latest hedgerow report “County Kildare Hedgerow Appraisal Survey- 2022” at this event.
Doors open 5.45pm, event starts 6pm sharp.
Suitable for 12 years to adults.
Kildare County Council is supporting this project with the Local Biodiversity Action Fund, from the Department of Housing Local Government and Heritage.
Celbridge Library, W23 VA47