Learning About Neglect Webinar: Exploring the complexities & challenges of dental neglect for children & young people
Tue 3 Sep 2024 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM BST
Online, Microsoft Teams
CPC Scotland, with support from CELCIS and the Scottish Government, continues to deliver the 'Learning About Neglect' webinar series, with the next event taking place on Tuesday 3 September.
In this webinar, our focus will be on the complexities and challenges of dental neglect for children and young people, and the role of child protection leaders and practitioners in addressing this. During the event, we will explore the professional dilemmas that may occur, preventative and new trauma informed approaches to facilitating access to treatment and interventions, and will discuss the impact of dental neglect in the context of wider concerns that services and practitioners may have regarding the neglect of a child. Key areas of focus will be:
- Exploring preventative approaches to dental neglect in children and young people
- The challenges around access to dental resources and system issues that present barriers to services working well together
- Facilitating access to and engagement with services and practitioners
- The impact of trauma on accessing treatment
- Tacking dental health as an indicator of wider child neglect
Our webinar speakers are:
- Dr Christine Park, Senior Clinical Lecturer and Honorary Consultant in Paediatric Dentistry, Glasgow Dental Hospital and School
- Dr Mairi Albiston, Clinical Psychologist and Head of Programme, NHS Education for Scotland
- Dr Sally Jowett, Principal Educator, Transforming Psychological Trauma, NHS Education for Scotland
- Laura Wright, Oral Health Practitioner, Childsmile Inverclyde
The webinar is free to join and delegates will be emailed the Microsoft Teams link to join before the event.
About the Learning About Neglect event series
Launched in 2022, the Learning About Neglect event series delivers free webinars for child protection leaders and practitioners across Scotland to engage with key speakers and organisations on child neglect and practice.
An area of development identified initially through the Child Protection Improvement Programme, and more recently within the National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland, these learning events will stimulate conversation and raise awareness nationally about the impact of neglect on children and young people. Attendees will have the opportunity to gain further insight into good practice and approaches that will benefit their own learning and practice.
To find out more and register for updates on future events, please contact the CELCIS Events Team at celcis.learning@strath.ac.uk.