Witness To Love Training
Sat Mar 2, 2024 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM
Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center, Norwood, 45212
This is a full day training for new and existing marriage preparation leaders in the Witness to Love marriage preparation program. It is open to priests, deacons, and lay parish evangelists involved in the implementation of the Marriage Catechumenate. The day will be led by Witness to Love co-founder Ryan Verret and includes light breakfast and lunch. Current parish facilitators are encouraged to attend the training as a refresher and will have a dedicated time to speak with Ryan Verret during the day.
Please note that this training does not include mentor couples.
Materials cost $75 per parish. If you are a new WTL member, you will need to speak with your pastor for his approval, and then notify us by email (dausting@catholicaoc.org) that you intend to purchase materials. Our staff will purchase the materials for all new parish facilitators, and parishes will be invoiced for the materials. If you are an existing WTL member, you do not need to purchase materials and we ask that you bring the Witness to Love materials to the training.
RSVP: The registration deadline has been extended to the day of the event, March 2, 2024. Walk-ins are welcome!
Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center, Norwood, 45212