The Unequal Pandemic Film Screening
Thu 30 May 2024 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
University of Bristol Arts Complex, Lecture Theatre B.H05, 7 Woodland Road, BS8 1TB
Join us for a screening of The Unequal Pandemic (Executive Producer Debbie Abrahams MP and Good Guys Productions Ltd, 2024), a short film that lays bare the long-term institutional, societal and governmental failures that led to one of the highest excess Covid death rates in the developed world. Family testimonies and startling evidence reveal how we were not all in it together. It asks how can we can build a fairer society for all, ready for when the next pandemic comes.
After the screening, a panel of experts will reflect on its key themes from their own unique research and professional perspectives.The panel features: Prof Havi Carel (UoB), Huda Hajinur (Caafi Health), and Dr Habib Naqvi MBE (Director, NHS Race and Health Observatory).
Chaired by: Dr Conor Ryan (UoB)
Following the panel there will be a drinks reception for continued informal conversation and networking.
This event is co-convened by University of Bristol's Centre for Black Humanities and the Epistemic Injustice in Healthcare (EPIC) Project with support from Good Guys Productions.
University of Bristol Arts Complex, Lecture Theatre B.H05, 7 Woodland Road, BS8 1TB