Trading with Northern Ireland (Virtual via Teams)
Wed 2 Oct 2024 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM BST
Online, Microsoft Teams
International Trade & Customs with Mark Rowbotham, MA FCILT - Portcullis ISC
Mark is an independent consultant who deals primarily with Compliance, Control and Procedural issues in Customs, Excise and VAT, and is a trainer in these issues as well as International Trade, the Supply Chain, Finance and Risk Management courses.
Forthcoming Export Workshops (via Teams)
- Trading with Northern Ireland - Wednesday 2nd October
Trading with Northern Ireland- Wednesday 2nd October
The UK formally left the European Union on the night of 31st December 2020. The UK is now a third country as far as trading with the EU is concerned, but there is a Trade and Co-operation Agreement linking the two entities. Because of the issue of Northern Ireland remaining within the EU Single Market and avoiding cross-border controls, a separate NI Protocol has been implemented for trade between the UK and Northern Ireland.
This course is designed to enable UK exporters and importers to trade efficiently with Northern Ireland, and to understand all the necessary compliances, requirements and procedures for ensuring that trade with Northern Ireland is carried out with as little inconvenience as possible.
The contents of this course are as follows;
- The UK as a Sovereign Nation
- Northern Ireland as part of the EU Single Market
- Customs Controls between the UK and Northern Ireland
- Exporting to Northern Ireland
- The XI EORI Number
- Cargo Security Measures
- Cargo Pre-Clearance
- GVMS and the GMRN
- “At Risk” requirements
- The TSS
- Export Declarations
- Restrictions on Product Movements (Agricultural, By-Products, Chemical)
- Invoicing
- Transport Documentation
- VAT Implications
- Selling and Shipping 3rd Country (Imported) goods into Northern Ireland
- What does the NI customer want and need?
- Record-Keeping
- Compliance with EU Regulations
This project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.