Creativity and Joy Conference 2025
Fri 10 Oct 2025 9:00 AM - Sat 11 Oct 2025 3:30 PM NZDT
Brentwood Hotel, 16 Kemp St, Wellington, 6022
Creativity and Joy Conference 2025
Presented by Toni & Robin Christie and the team at Childspace to celebrate 20 years of Childspace conferences and The Space magazine!
Download a PDF of the full programme here.
Thursday 9th October, 2025
Early registration and ukulele practice from 6pm — delegates are welcome to join the Childspace ukulele gang.
Friday 10th October
8.00 - 9.00am Registration & Trade fair
9.00 - 9.30am Whakatau/Opening ceremony
9:30 - 10:30am KEYNOTE 1: Dr. Red Ruby Scarlett and Louise Dorrat
The (inter)National Quality Framework – The Musical!
The (Inter)National Quality Framework - The Musical! Is a professional learning experience like no other. Get ready for an intellectual, ironic, engaging, toe tapping, hand clapping, finger snapping interactive performance to reclaim the joy.
The two characters – Red (educator) and Lou (coordinator) take the audience through the professional and emotional experience of daily life in an early childhood setting. Red and Lou move to Aotearoa (New Zealand) and are migrants to a new place with a whole new system to learn. Like their approaches to working with children, they use their prior knowledge of the Australian context to discern the similarities and differences between the two nations. The musical captures their processes of learning, critical thinking, collaborating and celebrating.
10.30 - 11.00am Morning tea
11:00 - 11:40am KEYNOTE 2: Memory Lyon
Continuity of Education: let’s get creative
Memory Lyon is the principal at Mangaweka School, a rural primary kura auraki in the heart of the Rangitikei as well as the Co-Leader of te Kahui Ako o Mokai Patea. The majority of her career has been in the early years, teaching, mentoring and leading teams in ECE. Memory is passionate about relationship-based pedagogy, where tamariki, whānau and kaiako experience manaakitanga (respect & kindness) and a warm sense of mana whenua (belonging) as the foundation to their learning. This has been especially influential in her aspiration for the primary school setting. She is the co-author of Rituals: Making the Everyday Extraordinary and believes nature, culture and creativity are fundamental in tamariki thriving to their fullest potential, no matter their age.
11:45 - 12:25pm KEYNOTE 3: Josh Allen
Empowerment and Whakamana in ECE
Empowerment and Whakamana were first introduced into the educational landscape by the original 1997 Te Whāriki curriculum. Since then, these concepts have become critical trends in education worldwide and across all age groups. However, the practical application of these principles remains elusive for many. How do we manage power effectively? How do we embody whakamana in our actions? Josh’s engaging and thought-provoking discussion will delve into these questions and more, offering insights and practical guidance on incorporating these essential concepts into everyday educational practice.
12.30 - 1.30pm Lunch/kai and a chance to check out the trade fair
1:30 - 3:00pm Workshops TAHI
Choose one of six workshops on a range of topics presented by experts, including recognising early indicators of autism in infants, intentional teaching with young children in the garden, creating a positive workplace, creative thinking and connection-making, and more!
3.00 - 3.30pm Afternoon tea
3:30 - 5:00pm Creativity hui groups
Delegates will be assigned to various creative groups and projects to make new friends and learn new skills.
5.00 - 6.00pm Own dinner arrangements
6.00pm FRIDAY NIGHT PYJAMA PARTY and continuation of creative projects
Step by and check out our movie night; bring your hand craft and join a stitch ‘n’ bitch in the bar; check out pyjama pilates; bring your instruments and voices to join a jam riot by the pool with Toni & Robin.
Delegates will also have the opportunity to check out all the creativity hui projects.
Saturday 11th October
8:30 - 10:00am Workshops RUA
Choose one of six workshops on a range of topics presented by experts, including continuity and attachment, ideas for environmental set ups, nature pedagogy and environmentalism, facilitating rough and tumble play, and more!
10.00 - 10.30am Morning tea
10:30 - 11:15am Workshops TORU
Choose one of six workshops on a range of topics presented by experts, including rongoa Māori, children in community spaces, free movement, positive behaviour guidance, and more!
11:20 - 12:30pm Creativity hui groups time to revisit, complete and prepare to present.
12.30 - 1.30pm Lunch
1.30 - 2.10pm KEYNOTE 4: Dr. Red Ruby Scarlett
Creativity - A Memory Palace for a Heart Sparkle
Dr. Red Ruby Scarlet is an activist, early childhood teacher-researcher, consultant, artist and academic. She holds numerous degrees in early childhood education and performing arts. Red has been working in early childhood for over 30 years and is devoted to creative, imaginative, inclusive practices that promote dignity and integrity in early childhood. Red has developed curriculum and learning frameworks nationally and internationally. She has won numerous awards for her teaching and advocacy. Red has published widely foregrounding the stories of the numerous ‘teacher-research’ projects she has lead and contributed to across the world. Red’s work includes consultancy, creating professional development and resourcing for early childhood that is committed to inclusive and innovative pedagogical approaches to curriculum. Red is a Pedagogical and Artist in Residence, the Founding Chair of the Social Justice In Early Childhood Foundation. Red is the cowriter and performer of wildly popular “The National Quality Framework – The Musical!”
2.15 - 2.55pm KEYNOTE 5: Bobbi-Jo Burkitt
Where the Wild-things Are
Originally from the prairies of Winnipeg, Canada, I began my teaching journey in early childhood when I was 17 as a ‘summer job’, and was instantly hooked. I was drawn to this wildly creative and engaging profession, and loved learning alongside children in respectful and fun ways. I decided to pursue my studies after high school in teaching. I attended the University of Winnipeg and graduated with my Bachelor of Arts Degree, majoring in Developmental Studies (with a specialisation in Special Needs and Inclusion), and attended Red River College to attain my Diploma in Early Childhood Education Level III. I believe connection to nature is of utmost importance for us as humans, and strive to ensure children get the opportunity to connect to the whenua in meaningful ways. I am the current programme lead for Childspace’s Wildspace, where we get to do just that! Connect to nature. Connect to our roots as people. Connect to oneself.
3.00 - 4.00pm KEYNOTE 6: 7x7x7 – 7 Speakers, 7 Minutes each, 7 Values
In this creative closing keynote, Toni Christie has invited seven guests to each speak on a value that resonates with our conference theme of creativity and joy!
Dr. Helen May will speak on JOY, Dr. Jane Ewens will speak on GENEROSITY, Dr. Bob will speak on CURIOSITY, Tui Lou Cassidy will speak on CREATIVITY, Dr. Anne Meade will speak on RE-COGNITION, Max Christie will speak on KOTAHITANGA, and Lisa Ford will speak on COURAGE.
4.10 - 5.00pm Toni and Robin Christie: Conference close and presentation of creative projects
6pm till midnight: Themed party – toddlers’ big night out!
Live band, cash bar and toddler party snacks.
Sunday 12th October
9-1 optional extra: centre tours of all four Childspace centres plus our institute, our Wildspace, the dopamine forest and workshop (Find tickets to this additional tour here).
If you would like to stay at the Brentwood hotel, you can download an accommodation form here before emailing your completed form to
General admission price: $650.00
Space mag subscriber's price: $600.00
Brentwood Hotel, 16 Kemp St, Wellington, 6022