Nurture in Nature
Sat 19 Jul 2025 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM NZST
Jordan Centre Trinity Conference Events Centre 215 Devonport Road, Tauranga, 3110
Presented by Bobbi-Jo Burkitt
This workshop will explore how we can nurture our youngest citizens by ensuring their lives and early learning experiences are enriched by time spent in, and alongside nature. It is through this connection to nature that they will learn to connect to not only the world, but to themselves as autonomous and capable beings.
This workshop will explore the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of:
- Including nature and natural elements in both indoor and outdoor environments (biophilia, invitations to play, health and safety)
- Including adult supported risky play within your programme
- Beginning rituals in nature
- Connecting to self through nature
- Putting an emphasis on nature in your curriculum
- Excursions into nature and encouraging kaitiakitanga
Come prepared to immerse yourself in all things nature so we can nurture ourselves, the children and families we work with, and teach them to do the same for papatūānuku.
Course runs from 9am-3pm (includes morning tea & lunch)
General admission price: $300
Special price for subscribers to The Space or Childspace at Your Place (CAYP): $250
Jordan Centre Trinity Conference Events Centre 215 Devonport Road, Tauranga, 3110