Peaceful curriculum for infants & toddlers
Fri 15 Sep 2023 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM NZST
Elim Church, 193 Grahams Road, Burnside, Christchurch, 8053
Presented by Asrya Hyland.
This comprehensive course will cover a range of teaching practices and strategies that are developmentally respectful and responsive to the needs of infants and toddlers. We will unpack the stages and needs of this age group and offer ideas for creating a thoughtful, creative and a developmentally-responsive learning programme that celebrates children’s emerging interests. Research and literature will be disseminated through the lenses of brain development, attachment theory, self-regulation and relationship-based care and curriculum. We will also pay attention to how our environments and resources impact upon free movement, play, and care for children and adults alike. While this course is primarily aimed at Kaiako of infants and toddlers, the key concepts discussed are relevant for all tamariki.
Participants will:
• Discuss and explore the notion of respect and what this looks like in a pedagogy of care and nurture.
• Discover how kaiako ‘attunement', 'responsiveness’ and ‘consistency’ are key to providing quality care and education.
• Explore the latest neuroscience around children’s brain development and how this impacts our teaching practices.
• Discuss the idea of having a ‘key caregiving’ and ‘continuity of care’ approach and what this might look like in various contexts.
• Explore the notion of free movement, free play and active observation.
• Discuss how the importance of relationships and the environment affect infants and toddlers' behaviour.
•Explore what a robust induction procedure entails and to ensure a safe and secure environment for new families.
• Reflect on how we can create beautiful and welcoming environments that focus on a nature-based programme.
This is an ideal course
for kaiako and leaders who are reviewing their learning programme or are
looking for refreshing and inspiring practices with infants and toddlers.
This event runs from 9am to 3pm.
General admission price: $260
Space mag subscriber's price: $240
Elim Church, 193 Grahams Road, Burnside, Christchurch, 8053