Teaching English Grammar Webinar
Mon 14 Nov 2022 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM GMT
Online, Zoom
How do we teach English grammar?
In this interactive webinar, you'll discover great teaching grammar ideas that work for your classes or one-to-one support of refugees and asylum seekers, as you look to help them improve their English quickly and effectively. Enjoy a practical, engaging, and interactive session with online English teacher and materials creator Louisa Walsh.
You'll discover:
- how introduce grammar clearly and simply
- the key to good grammar lessons
- how to avoid typical grammar teaching mistakes.
She'll show you activities for your grammar lessons and help you build both your skills and confidence. On the evening, you'll receive great webinar discounts on grammar products, including the 20-hour Essential English Grammar Course and the Big Grammar eBook, which takes you through the nine key stages of learning English grammar.
Then get your grammar teaching questions answered in the Q and A at the end.
50 spaces available, so click the green button to book your place today.
Free to Enter English course participants with the promo coded emailed to you. £5 for all other participants.
Webinar 3 of 4 in the Enter English course series.
Watch a short sample with webinar presenter Louisa as she demonstrates how to teach the difference between the present perfect simple for experience and past simple below:
Want to sign up to the Enter English course and get a free webinar ticket? If you are in the UK and working with refugees and asylum seekers, click here >>
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