Holiday Club Young Leader volunteer applications
Mon 29 Jul 2024 10:00 - Fri 2 Aug 2024 15:00 BST
St Anne's Catholic Primary School, RG4 5AA
We are looking to enlist the help of your child in the role of a Young Leader at the Churches Together in Caversham Holiday Club - Champions! It is running from 29th July to 2nd August 2024 at St Anne’s School in Caversham.
The young leaders will be involved in roles such as assisting in rooms with younger children, organising resources, helping to run activities and making sure the PA and projection works properly. This year, we are also planning to run a pastoral programme with a Christian ethos for the young leaders alongside the holiday club. This will help to support them in their roles and will also hopefully lead to a more cohesive group and the maintaining of friendships in the group beyond the end of the club.
Young leaders need to arrive on site each day at 9.30am and are free to leave at 3.20pm. They must sign in and out. They will need to bring a packed lunch each day, which must not contain nuts. They are not permitted to leave the site during the lunch break because this poses site security problems, and the lunch break is only 40 minutes in duration.
There will be a training session for the young leaders at Caversham Baptist Church on Saturday 27th July from 12pm to 2pm (lunch provided). Attendance at the training session is essential, unless there are extenuating circumstances, because key safety information will be given.
If you would like your child to participate, please would you complete the form in order to give us the necessary information and provide consent. Filling out the form is not a guarantee of a place - please wait for e-mail confirmation.
St Anne's Catholic Primary School, RG4 5AA