Rocket Science with Dr. Hardiman
Thu 10 Nov 2022 10:00 - 11:00 GMT
Online, Zoom
Be a Rocket Scientist for an hour with the help and guidance of Dr. Hardiman. Learn about what it takes to launch a rocket before undertaking your very own launch.
Materials needed for Foam Rockets
- -Scissors 1 per student or per pair
- -Cereal box 1 per 10 students ( they each need a small piece
- -Ruler 30cm - if there are 1 meter rulers in the school these will be better
- -Elastic bands 4 per student
- - 1 x 25cm per student - long foam pipe for insulation, (Can be found in hardware shops)
- -Medium sized plastic cable ties 3 per student
- -Knitting wool (1 x 30cm per student)
- -Duct tape (1 roll per class)