Latino Professionals Connect Networking Night at the Museum
Wed Feb 5, 2025 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art, 97403
Join us for our February networking event! ¡Únase a nosotros en nuestro evento de networking del mes de febrero!
Whether you're a first-timer, attended in the past, or have made it a point to join us at every event, we appreciate your support and welcome and encourage you to bring a friend or colleague along.
Si es la primera vez que asiste, si ya lo ha hecho en el pasado o si se ha propuesto acompañarnos en cada evento, le agradecemos su apoyo, le damos la bienvenida y lo invitamos a que traiga a un amigo o colega.
This will be an enriching evening of networking, delightful light bites and refreshments, amazing people, and the beautiful backdrop of the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art. Don't miss the opportunity to connect, engage, and expand your networks with Latino Professionals Connect.
Será una velada de networking enriquecedora, deliciosos bocadillos y refrescos, gente increíble y el hermoso telón de fondo del Museo de Arte Jordan Schnitzer. No se pierda la oportunidad de establecer, participar y ampliar sus redes de contactos con Latino Professionals Connect.
We are delighted about our partnership with The Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art, Collaborative Economic Development Oregon (CEDO), the Latino Partnership Program and the Oregon Community Foundation as we embark on providing you with this elevated networking experience.
Estamos encantados con nuestra asociación con el Museo de Arte Jordan Schnitzer, Collaborative Economic Development Oregon (CEDO), el programa de Latino Partnership Program y Oregon Community Foundation. Nos complace brindarle esta sublime experiencia de networking.
Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art, 97403