Mothers 4 Justice Ubuntu: CARE FILM CHATS
Multiple dates and times
The Source, Floyds Row, Oxford, OX1 1SS
Where to in our Justice system with Amantha Edmead and Jabu Nala-Hartley
Please join us for our next series of M4JU Film chats.
At each event we will watch a film followed by a discussion and Q&A facilitated by Amantha Edmead and Jabu Nala-Hartley
We will also share food and drink together.
Upcoming dates are:
- 25th Jan 4-8pm
- 15th Feb 4-6pm
- 29th March 4-6pm
We will be holding these events at The Source, Floyds Row, Oxford OX1 1SS
About Mothers 4 Justice Ubuntu
We are a collective of family members and activists directly supporting people who have come into contact with the criminal justice system.
We seek to centre and empower those with personal experience of the criminal justice system, and to organise within the community to campaign for truth, justice and accountability at all levels.
We see so many of our children trapped in the revolving door of the criminal justice system. From the preschool to prison pipeline, to probation services and beyond – our communities are criminalised and denied basic justice, liberties, and life opportunities.
We work to tackle injustices and discrimination across multiple systems that exist to oppress our communities, that are deeply embedded in our history of colonialism and slavery and are international in their scope.
The Source, Floyds Row, Oxford, OX1 1SS