No Place Like Home: The Story of the Foundling Hospital - Film Screening and Panel Discussion
Mon 20 Nov 2023 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM GMT
Online, Zoom
World Children's Day, November 20th, provides an opportunity to reflect on the historical experiences of children and their resonance in the modern day. Coram’s long history as a champion for children began with the vision of one man and the story of an extraordinary organisation.
Coram Society is pleased to invite you to explore the past, present, and future of the Foundling Hospital through an online screening of the new documentary film, No Place Like Home: The Story of the Foundling Hospital. Created as part of Coram’s ‘Voices Through Time: The Story of Care’ programme, it tells the story of the Foundling Hospital and the 27,000 children who grew up there from 1741 to 1954. The exploration of a rich selection of stories uncovers the Hospital’s unique position in the history of children’s social care and its continuation as children's charity Coram today.
World Children’s Day commemorates the adoption of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, a historic commitment by countries around the world to uphold their duty to children and young people. An important theme in the Convention is the right of children to a safe home that allows them to develop to their full potential. Also the guiding theme of the documentary, the theme of ‘Home’ in the contemporary landscape of children and young peoples’ rights and experiences will be centred.
This film was made possible by the National Lottery Heritage Fund which supports the 'Voices Through Time' programme, including the digitisation of the earliest parts of Coram’s Foundling Hospital Archive.
The screening will be followed by a panel of speakers discussing the film’s content and creation. We are pleased to be joined by:
- Professor Dame Carolyn Hamilton DBE, Director of Coram International at the Coram Children’s Legal Centre,
- Professor Harriet Ward CBE, Honorary Research Fellow at the Rees Centre, Oxford University
- Chris Jones, Programme Manager of Voices Through Time
- Billy Wagon-Horrix, Youth Ambassador for Voices Through Time and participant in the film project.