4 Corner Joints & a Dado
Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:00 AM - Sun Mar 22, 2020 5:00 PM EDT
Lost Art Press, 41011

Price: $24 non-refundable registration fee (collected upon registration); $400, including materials (billed directly by the instructor).
While there are myriad joints suitable for boxes and drawers, three of the most common for hand-tool woodworkers are a simple rabbeted and nailed joint (perfect for workaday pieces such as tool chest tills and kitchen drawers), through dovetails (for the ultimate in joint strength) and half-blind dovetails (the classic drawer-front joint). And a nice decorative joint (if not as hand-tool common) is a finger joint nailed with decorative iron – a relatively quick and handsome look. In this two-day class, you’ll learn layout and techniques to cut each using a small kit of hand tools. Plus, you'll learn how to cut a dado by hand, too!
And because there is more than one way to skin a rabbet (sorry), I’ll show you ways to cut it without a rabbet plane. Ditto on the coping saw for waste removal on the finger joints and dovetails, dividers for dovetail layout, and a fishtail chisel for the half-blinds. Sure, they’re all nice tools to have and can make the work go a bit faster, but they’re not truly necessary. It’s all about options, both on the joints and how you cut them!
With these joinery skills in your toolkit, you'll be well on your way to all kinds of hand-tool projects.
Students will receive a tool list from the instructor.
For information on Covington, including where to stay and where to eat, click here.
There is a non-refundable registration fee of $12 per day per student – so for this class, the registration fee is $24 – please make sure you can attend before registering, as again, this is a NON-REFUNDABLE FEE, which will be collected here to reserve your spot (there is no charge to sign up for the waitlist). The class fee – billed separately by the instructor – is $400, which includes materials. (Cancellations will be accepted up until four weeks before the class, for a full refund minus the registration fee.)
Lost Art Press, 41011