CREATIVE UPSKILLING -Freelancer's Rights
Mon 4 Nov 2024 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Forum Southend, SS11NS
Artists, organisers and life-long freelance creatives Emma Edmondson and Lu Williams will lead a workshop exploring the precarity of creative practice talking about surviving and thriving as a freelancer, getting paid and ways of working as a freelancer, contracts, alongside your rights, with commissioners, organisations and funders.
Who will be running the course?
Emma Edmondson + Lu Williams
Lu Williams is an artist producing sculpture, print, zine’s, drawing, writing, video, events and workshops through research, community engagement, collecting and collaboration. They are interested in paraphernalia and cultural offcuts as a way of exploring social history, accessibility and labour and makes work through the lens of queerness, neurodivergence and working classness. In 2015 they created Grrrl Zine Fair, a place for self-publishing and DIY art, music and culture surrounding feminist publishing. In 2017 the Grrrl Zine Library was born and hosted 600+ queer feminist zines, housed at The Old Waterworks. In 2020 they co-founded Dog Ear, dog toy sculptures and accomapnying publications produced by artists, with artist Emma Edmondson.
Emma Edmondson is an artist and organiser from Southend-on-Sea. Studying and graduating during the 2008 financial crash alternative economies, precarity and utopian community are at the centre of her research and practice. She works with sculpture, print, text and education and is interested in how recessions and austerity shape how we survive creatively.
In 2016 she set up TOMA an accessible artist-run education model which is currently the only postgrad-ish level art programme in Essex after all others were stopped by their host universities. TOMA sits outside the traditional institutional model and was born of and been shaped by austerity and the decades long businessification and dismantling of creative education.These are the politics that bought TOMA into existence. Recently she has been processing raw clay dug from the ground and exploring local land rights to create sculptures that sit on the ground they were made from, marking out little know public rights of way to encourage local people’s use of them. She has shown her work in spaces around the UK including Victoria & Albert Museum, Barbican, and a solo show at Arcade/Campfa in Cardiff. She has been awarded commissions from Focal Point Gallery, AHRC and Artquest and been published in Art Monthly and a soon to be published Routledge publication on alternative art schools. She teaches art in community spaces, schools, college, arts organisations and universities to support her practice, on precarious contracts. Emma also runs Dog Ear with Lu Williams, producing dog toy sculptures and texts for humans and hounds focussing on the mental health benefits of play and interaction between humans and non humans, alongside sustainable making. She always works collaboratively believing in collaboration over competition and the power of people coming together to change sector policy, systems and rules.
This Project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.
Forum Southend, SS11NS