'At Dawn, Two Nightingales': Alan Bilton in conversation with Carole Hailey
Thu 10 Oct 2024 18:00 - 19:00
MumbAles, SA3 4BQ
Alan Bilton in conversation with Carole Hailey, with readings from At Dawn, Two Nightingales and a Q&A
Alan Bilton mewn sgwrs ag Carole Hailey, gyda darlleniad gan At Dawn, Two Nightingales a Holi ac Ateb
Book synopsis
Set in Eighteenth Century Bohemia, At Dawn, Two Nightingales is a comic opera in novel form, part quest, part pantomime and part ghost story, the story revolving around a search for the most dangerous poem in the world, its haunted verses said to be invested with mysterious, supernatural powers. Lovers, criminals, censors and bandits are in hot pursuit of its enchanted verses: but is anything about the poem really as it seems?
Crynodeb o lyfr
Wedi'i lleoli yn Bohemia'r ddeunawfed ganrif, mae At Dawn, Two Nightingales yn opera ddigrif ar ffurf nofel. Mae'r stori, sydd yn rhannol yn chwiliad yn rhannol yn bantomeim, yn ymwneud â chwilio am y gerdd fwyaf peryglus yn y byd, y dywedir bod gan ei phenillion bwganllyd bwerau goruwchnaturiol dirgel. Mae cariadon, troseddwyr, sensoriaid a gwylliaid i gyd ar drywydd ei phenillion hudol: ond ydy popeth am y gerdd fel y mae'n ymddangos mewn gwirionedd?
About the author...
Alan Bilton is the author of three other novels, The Sleepwalkers' Ball, The Known and Unknown Sea, and The End of The Yellow House, as well as a collection of surreal short stories, Anywhere Out of the World. He has also written books on silent film comedy, America in the 1920s and contemporary fiction, and teaches Creative Writing and Literature at Swansea University.
Yr Awdur…
Mae Alan Bilton yn awdur tair nofel arall, The Sleepwalkers' Ball, The Known and Unknown Sea, a The End of The Yellow House, yn ogystal â chasgliad o straeon byrion swreal, Anywhere Out of the World. Mae ef hefyd wedi ysgrifennu llyfrau am gomedi ffilmiau mud, America yn y 1920au a ffuglen gyfoes, ac mae'n addysgu Ysgrifennu Creadigol a Llenyddiaeth ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe.
*Please note: Event delivered in English
*Sylwch: Cyflwynwyd y digwyddiad yn Saesneg
MumbAles, SA3 4BQ