Spanglish Story Circle: Curious Conexiones
Thu Feb 29, 2024 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM EST
Online, Zoom
What leaps have you taken to connect across difference?
¿Cómo te conectas con la gente distinta?
What is a favorite memory with someone different from you?
Join us to connect.
Meet us on Feb. 29th Thursday and connect with other Spanish/English bilingual professionals who are passionate about connection and curious about the power of sharing our stories!
Let’s learn from each other, listen to one another, share, and connect!
Vamos a encontrarnos y conocernos. Somos un grupo internacional apasionado por hacer vinculos, y crear vinculos profundos. Vamos a explorar el poder y potencial de hacer preguntas y escuchar a las historias que sigan.
Along the way, we hope to connect with each other through the conversation and this time can double as language practice for English or Spanish.
Language of meeting: Spanglish.
You can speak English, Spanish, or switch between the two, as you wish.
Intended for people who speak intermediate (or higher) English and Spanish.
Note: If you are fluent in one and a beginner in the other, we still welcome you! You likely won’t understand everything, but that’s ok - that’s normal when learning and there is no test!
Ojo: Si dominas una lengua y eres principiante en la otra, ¡te damos la bienvenida! Es probable que no lo entiendas todo, pero no pasa nada: es normal cuando se aprende y ¡no hay examen!
We do not plan to fully interpret the meetup, but will spot interpret as needed. This is a low-stakes environment to discuss interesting topics and practice languages.
How, el cómo
We will use a "Story Circles" meeting format refined and published by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization).
Los círculos de historias ofrecen a personas de distintos orígenes la posibilidad de reunirse para aprender unos de otros y explorar las similitudes y diferencias culturales.
Through the sharing of life experiences we learn more about ourselves, as well as our fellow humans, and through this process, participants further develop key elements of intercultural competencies, including openness, respect, empathy, increased awareness of others, and, in the end, greater cultural humility.
Flexible Price
As facilitators within a global context and committed to equity, we strive to provide flexible pricing to make the event accessible in the context in which you are. Please pay at the highest rate reasonable to your financial situation and/or ability to access funds through your networks.
No queremos que el coste impida la participación y queremos honrar el trabajo de nuestros facilitadoras. Por eso, usted decide el precio que tiene razon para usted.
Cost: $0-$29 Pay what you can
Jenna Fuentes
Jenna is an innovative, creative, and international community builder who is passionate about facilitating belonging, cross-pollinating industries, developing people as well as developing solutions for social impact. She has 15 years of experience in enhancing experiences for clients in the ed-tech, startup, hospitality, arts, and nonprofit sectors. Learn more:
Sara A. Clark
Some of Sara’s favorite problems to solve are communication breakdowns, including understanding the role of culture and power in shaping what we think is normal, right, and good. Drawing from team experiences in the US, Nicaragua, Colombia, and more, today you can find Sara transforming tensions through her facilitation at Curious Ways.
¡Esperamos conectarnos pronto!