Summer Quran, Islamic Studies and Sports Camp
Wed Jun 19, 2024 - Thu Jul 18, 2024
DarusSalam Seminary, 60148
Welcome to the QIS program! (Quran, Islamic Studies & Sports Program)
In this program, your child will InshaAllah embark on an unforgettable journey through academic enrichment, spiritual refinement and memorable enjoyment. Our compassionate teachers will do their best to ensure that your child has a pleasurable experience throughout the program. We are firstly grateful to Allah (SWT) and then to you for giving us an opportunity to serve you and your child.
The goals of DarusSalam Seminary’s Islamic Studies Camp are:
-Achieving closeness to Allah (SWT) by learning the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah in the pristine environment of the Masjid;
-Nurturing good character and mannerisms in light of Prophetic traditions and insightful anecdotes;
-Facilitating an environment in which one can meet good Muslim friends by which one can spiritually and academically progress;
-Learning the injunctions to fundamental ‘Ibaadaat, such as Wudhu, Azaan and Salaah;
-Memorizing supplications (duas) for daily activities, such as eating, drinking and sleeping.
With respect to the Sports Camp DarusSalam Seminary’s goals are:
-Introducing various sports and helping individuals engage with each sport
-Learning the basic strategic offensive and defensive plays of each sport
-Enhancing one’s physical capabilities through various drills and exercises
-Recognizing the role that teamplay has for succeeding in a game
Start date: June 19, 2024
End date: July 18, 2024
AM Session:8:30 am - 12:00 pm
PM Session: 12:30 pm - 4:00 pm
DarusSalam Seminary, 60148