Mapping Our Future - with Christa Ovenell
Thu 12 Sep 2024 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM PDT
Online, Zoom
We are passionate about community, connection, support, and education. That's not going to change!
Help shape the future of the Death and Dying Network International. Join our new Executive Director, Christa Ovenell in conversation and share your ideas, questions, and deepest death-caring desires! Now is the time!
The DDNI has always believed that we are stronger together, so this session is your first opportunity to collaborate, connect, and create the new vision for this exceptionally supportive community.
We note that this time might not be convenient for everyone in our international community, so please rest assured that we will have more opportunities to connect like this! If you haven't signed up for our newsletter, now's the time!
#mortals #EndofLifeCare #CommunityInput #connection #bettertogether
The Death & Dying Network International is an active membership community for ALL MORTALS committed and passionate about death education, while also creating and expanding our human connections, across all sectors of humanity. Together we will learn how to lead the courageous, and necessary conversations around dying & death, and the importance of these conversations and end of life planning.
You will experience the power of exploring our shared mortality together!