Old Town New Place, Urban Heritage a key resource to enhancing the liveability of Irish towns
Mon 4 Mar 2024 09:30 - 17:00
Butler Gallery, John's Quay, Kilkenny, R95 YX3F
This National Built Heritage Service event is to raise awareness of the cultural significance of Irish towns and to support the development of specialist skills within Local Authorities and practitioners dealing with built heritage character. It will provide recommendations on research approaches, practice and community engagement to support future programmes of work and successful funding drawdown, but most of all the great repair and reuse of traditional buildings and townscapes.
This event is an action of the National Policy on Architecture/New European Bauhaus and in support of Town Centre First policy and the new funding THRIVE Scheme under the ERDF Regional Programmes.
Programme (Registration from 9.30 am Butler Gallery Kilkenny) 10.00 Welcome Daniel Sinnott – Principal Officer, National Built Heritage Service, D/HLGH 10.15 Key Note Understanding Irish Towns - their overall architectural form and urban design to inform ways in which the might be carefully conserved and developed - Valerie Mulvin, author of Approximate Formality, McCullough Mulvin Architects Session 1 – Making Sense of Place Chair; Alan Mee – Architectural Advisor Arts Council policy on Architecture 10.45 The Urban Archaeology Survey standing the test of time - The legacy of research from John Bradley on the archaeological potential of Ireland’s towns (240) – Archaeological Survey Ireland, Dr. Anne-Julie Lafaye, National Monuments Service 11.10 Town & Country - Perspectives from the Irish Historic Towns Atlas, 2023 – Sarah Gearty, Cartographic and Managing editor, RIA 11.40 Creating the evidence-based decisions for future changes/understanding of the archaeological and historic built environment - Dr Tracy Collins, National Monuments Service 12.00 Historic Irish Urban Landscapes: A Framework for Significance - Dr Finola O’Kane, UCD 12.20 Creating the Framework for Re-Connecting the Medieval Laneways to the West of Kilkenny City’ – Katia Papkovskaia MRIAI, John Mc Laughlin Architects 13.00 Lunch break Session 2 - Ideas for change & empowering communities Chair; Ian Doyle, Head of Conservation, Heritage Council 14.00 - Introduction to THRIVE and the New European Bauhaus (NEB) - Nicola Matthews, Senior Architect, National Contact Point NEB, NBHS 14.10 NEB values in action - reconnecting to nature and working with historic buildings and the cultural landscape of Killarney National Park - Marc Ritchie, Architectural Advisor, National Parks and Wildlife Service in collaboration with Kevin Blackwood, Blackwood Architects. 14.30 Lisdoonvarna 2050, ‘it was fantastic and it can be fantastic again’. A co-design vision rooted in its heritage of well-being, a key asset in the town’s transition towards a sustainable and equitable future – Kevin Loftus, Architect and co-founder of Accelerating Change Together (ACT) 14.50 Rathmullan (Community & Heritage) Regeneration Project – insights from working with heritage to achieve a transformational scheme – Francis Maude, Donald Insall Associates. 15.15 Coffee break 15.30 Irish towns perspective; Beautiful, sustainable together/NEB approach – place-making, nature-based solutions to enhance urban living – Giulia Vallone, Associate Architect/Urban Designer Arup. 16.00 Town Centre Living - RIAI support of multi-disciplinary practice, town toolkit, RIAI Design Reviews, Tidy-Towns collaborations – Dr Sandra O’Connell, RIAI. 16.20 Response and update on TCF- Mairead Hunt, LGMA, and TCF National lead, Co-ordinator, 17.00 Close
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Members of the RIAI attending the event will be able to claim 6 structured CPD points.
Butler Gallery, John's Quay, Kilkenny, R95 YX3F