Free training for practitioners in Wales
Wed 26 Jun 2024 10:00 AM - Tue 15 Oct 2024 12:00 PM BST
Online, Zoom
Join us for a series of free 2-hour online training sessions aimed at transforming responses to domestic abuse among older adults. There are 5 separate sessions to pick from between 10.00 and 12.00. You can attend as many of the sessions as you like.
We'll explore the barriers to help-seeking, support and justice to enhance your professional development and continue making a difference in the lives of older adults experiencing domestic abuse.
About Dewis Choice
Based at the Centre for Age, Gender and Social Justice at Aberystwyth University, the Dewis Choice Initiative has co-produced a grassroots intervention, designed by the community, specifically to support older victim-survivors of domestic abuse perpetrated by a partner, ex-partner, and/or adult family member. Piloted in two regions in Wales, Dewis Choice has provided intensive support to individuals, aged 60 years and over, to make informed choices about: safety; civil, criminal, and restorative justice option; and well-being in recovery. This rights-based approach ensures that older victim-survivors of domestic abuse are not discriminated against on account of age, gender, sexuality, or disability. The research is also the first of its kind to conduct a prospective longitudinal study examining decision-making in the context of domestic abuse in later life.
About the training
The National Lottery Community Fund has supported Dewis Choice to offer free training to Wales-based practitioners. Developed from the lived experiences of older victim-survivors, the training is designed to be accessible to a range of practitioners, managers, and volunteers, including specialist practitioners and those interested in learning more about older people and domestic abuse. We recommend attending Session 1 to benefit fully from Sessions 2,3, or 4.
For further information on the training, please contact: Elize Freeman
Session 1
Transforming the response to older victims of domestic abuse.
Wednesday 26th June or Wednesday 17th July, 10.00 – 12.00
The objectives of the research-led training session are to:
- Examine the prevalence, nature, and dynamics of domestic abuse in later life;
- Challenge myths and stereotypes, explore unconscious bias;
- Understand relationship typologies and care dynamics;
- Explore barriers and enablers to accessing justice and support for older victims, drawing on perspectives on individual, organisational and structural levels;
- Identify additional resources for ongoing practice development.
Session 2
Identifying and responding to older victims of adult family abuse
Monday 9th September, 10.00 – 12.00
The objectives of the research-led training session are to:
- Gain insight into the complex dynamics of familial abuse in later life, including power and control tactics and the impact of dependency and interdependency;
- Recognise the physical, emotional, and behavioural signs and impacts of adult family violence in later life, including subtle indicators;
- Explore effective communication techniques for approaching and supporting older adults who may be experiencing adult family violence, with an emphasis on person-centred responses.
Session 3
Older victims: the co-existence of Dementia and domestic abuse.
Tuesday 24th September, 10.00 – 12.00
The objectives of the research-led training session are to:
- Understand the research underpinning the focus of dementia and domestic abuse;
- Identify the impacts and dynamics of domestic abuse, and harm, where dementia is a feature;
- Understand the role of the Mental Capacity Act 2005, and ‘best interest’ decision making, in response to the co-existence of dementia and domestic abuse;
- Explore additional considerations when safeguarding and managing risk;
- Gain practical techniques to support engagement.
Session 4
Improve the response to older LGBTQ+* victims of domestic abuse.
Tuesday 15th October, 10.00 – 12.00
The objectives of the research-led training session are to:
- Challenge the ‘public story’ of domestic abuse;
- Identify the historical and societal experiences, and care and support needs of older LGBTQ+ people;
- Examine the nature and prevalence of domestic abuse within the LGBTQ+ community;
- Explore help-seeking barriers and enablers and how to respond positively to enable engagement with older LGBTQ+ victims.
The session will include two short films which have been co-produced with older LGBTQ+ victim-survivors of domestic abuse.
*Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning and any other gender or sexuality that falls outside of cisgender or heterosexual.