DrugFAM's Annual Bereaved by Addiction Conference Online
Sat 8 Oct 2022 9:40 AM - 4:45 PM BST
Online, Zoom
Bereaved through Addiction – The Impact of Grief on Family Relationships
DrugFAM’s 14th Annual National Bereavement Conference 2022 chaired by Gill Owen-Conway BEM will be focusing on the impact of grief on family relationships.
The conference will feature speakers Peter Cartwright (Specialist Bereavement Counsellor and author) Dr Sangetta Mahajan (Trustee of the national charity for prevention of young suicide, PAPYRUS. co-chair of the Suicide Prevention Group) and the personal experiences of Collette Sully, Stuart Dorrill, Lauren Wellend, and Amanda and Martyn Miles.
In addition to our speakers there will be songs from Ado Matheson and a video presentation from Fallen Angels ‘Transfiguration: I fall’ .
You can view or print out the full programme here: Programme
£25 to attend online