Time to Write Club
Sun 22 Dec 2024 10:00 AM - Wed 31 Dec 2025 11:45 PM GMT
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TIME TO WRITE CLUB - 14 times per week from … 10am and 5pm every day, for one hour. The 5pm time slot ensures writers from further afield (eg the USA) can join in with us. For one year membership you get the chance to attend any or all of 728 one hour sessions, which equates to about 10p per session. Even if you are in the USA and can only attend half, it still works out at 20p per session. And 3 dedicated weekly sessions you can optionally do alongside your own Time to Write discipline: Fun, Fast Writing Prompts on Mondays; Brainstorming/feedback for your own stories on Tuesdays; Dissecting/Discussing favourite stories with a view to using the techniques on Wednesdays; and NEW monthly book discussion club. Non-members can attend the Fun, Fast Prompt sessions for £5 each.
Welcome email will give you all the info you need once you sign up, and you can start your membership straight away. Once you buy your "ticket" you can start taking advantage of all the great benefits immediately and for a full year.