Dynamic Sport Performance Certified Coach Workshop in Vieques, Puerto Rico
Thu Mar 3, 2022 8:00 AM - Fri Mar 4, 2022 3:00 PM
The Great Escape, 00765
Dynamic Sport Performance Certified Coach Workshop (DSPCC) in Vieques, Puerto Rico!
Become one of the 1st DSP Kettlebells for Sport Performance Certified Coaches!
Elevate your coaching potential Using the #1 training system for building strong, fast, explosive, and resilient athletes!
DSP has hosted the Kettlebells for Sport Performance Workshop for athletes and coaches from all around the world.
DSPCC was created to teach trainers, coaches and athletes how to train to maximize one’s performance and / or coaching capabilities.
Our goal is to provide continuing education, support and leadership for anyone passionate about getting results.
Who is it for?
Motivated individuals seeking a deeper understanding of how to program explosive strength, speed, power, and muscular endurance.
Passionate coaches looking to empower their clientele
Athletes looking to supercharge their game
“In short, as a DSPCC you will not only be able to make your athletes faster and stronger...they will understand why and how you did it.”
What it’s not
Status quo seminar that is lecture heavy
All theory with little application
Our goal is to learn by doing, so you feel what the buzz is all about
Note from the Founder – Coach Darius
”I know how it feels to work your butt in a training program that doesn’t work. Too many coaches are teaching old and outdated training programs that completely miss the mark when it comes to building explosive athleticism. I feel bad for athletes and coaches that rely on those who haven’t figured out how to truly build too notch athletes. Well I am Happy to say that today is your lucky day!”
“If you’re ready to be known as one of the best performance coaches in your area- then you have to attend the 1st ever DSP Kettlebells for Sport Performance Coaching Certification!”
Certification Outline
1. Assessing the Athlete
Shoulder mobility
Trunk stability push up
OH squat
SL raise
OH dowel rod Split squat
2. Activation Exercises
Arm bar
SL raise
Beast variations
G bridge
SLRDL variations
Calf work
3. Dynamic Warmup ExercisesMarch
High knee run
Sideways skip
Pogo variations
Jump Rope
Lateral shuffle
Lunge rotation
Knee Hug
4. Explosive Exercises
Med Ball variations
Landing positions
Jump Variations (CM, NCM, Hops)
Depth drops
Hurdles (stick, CM, Cont)
Broad jumps
Tuck Jumps
Day 2
1. Power (Dead Clean, Dead Snatch, March, Power Swing)
Olympic movement introduction
2H Dead clean, Goblet march, Train the drop, 2 Hand dead swing
1H Dead Clean, FR march, Train the drop, 1 Hand dead swing
Dead Snatch, OH march, Train drop from OH, Continuous 2 Hand swing
2 KB dead clean, 2 KB march, Train the hike pass drop , Single Arm swing
2 KB DC, push press, OH march, Alt hand swing
2. Strength
Strength speed (jerks)
Strength speed (push press)
Absolute strength (clean and press, front squat variations)
Cardio and Muscle Endurance Finishers - (KB, BW, Game Time Conditioning)
Program Design (Putting it together, working with teams and large groups)
Seminars are designed to highlight the fundamentals of kettlebell training and will include:
* A solid understanding of how kettlebell training can help your clients and your practice
* Hands-on-training from the certified DSP staff. You will feel the iron in your hand and receive the knowledge to properly perform key kettlebell movements.
* You will come away with the knowledge of how to properly instruct your clients.
* How to utilize the seven Functional Movement System screens including regressions and progressions for clients
* How to incorporate sport-specific kettlebell movements into your training program for athletes (and we are all athletes!)
* The importance of functional fitness for all ages and ability levels and how the kettlebell is a powerful tool for eliminating clients’ perceived fragility.
* Exercise technique and creative ideas to build functional strength and whole body stability
* Programming ideas for group and personal training
* Programming for shoulder, hip, knee and ankle
* Each attendee will receive DSP's 44 Week Kettlebell Performance Program (for athletes and fitness clients)
* Access to our exercise library with demonstrations of all of the exercises in the 44 Week Program
With your registration comes access to the DSP Kettlebells for Sport Performance Manual. A 50-Question multiple choice written exam has been comprised based on the book. Ultimately, we want you to have a clear understanding of the DSPCC methodologies from programming to practical components. All Coaches must pass a written and technique coaching an exam to receive their certification.
You will also be required to pass our Turkish Get Up Strength Test with both hands. Make sure to see the weight requirements below
Turkish Get Up Testing Weights
Men Turkish Get Up Weight Women Turkish Get Up Weight
Bodyweight, Lbs. Kettlebell, kilos Bodyweight, Lbs. Kettlebell, kilos
145 lbs or less. 28kg 110 lbs or less. 16kg
145 lbs to 175 32kg 111 to 124 18kg
176 lbs to 190 36kg 125 to 139 20kg
190 and up. 40kg 140 and up. 24kg
Regular price for the seminar is $999. SAVE $100 on your registration if you register by January 7th.
Registration includes 2 Nights Room and Board at The Great Escape B & B! The cost is $150 per night per person. If you would like to have the room for yourself the cost will be $250 per night.
Here's what our Coaches have to say about attending the DSPCC!
Danny Fox - DSPCC Performance Coach Level
If an athlete truly wants to take their training to a higher level, they need to not only be able to do the exercises, but also understand why they are doing them. That is why athletes, no matter the age, should attend the DSPCC. The DSPCC provides access to a training plan that builds strong, explosive and confident athletes. The knowledge and experience gained from this community will allow you to train yourself and other athletes at an elite level, putting your services in high demand. The DSPCC also has an atmosphere like no other as it brings together a wide variety of people from different areas of the training world to a community that wants to learn from those around them.
Abe Wingfield DSPCC Performance Coach Level 2
There is no better sports performance training system than DSP. If you attend the DSPCC, you will have the resources you need to be the best athlete that you psychically can become. It isn’t just about becoming bulky with big biceps, it is about being an explosive, fast, and strong athlete. I am among the hardest throwing pitchers on my high school baseball team, and also the smallest by far. This wouldn’t be possible for me without DSP.
Another reason why athletes should attend the DSPCC is to pass this knowledge down to the next generation. Not only does this program give you the opportunity to be the best athlete on the field, it shows you how to teach others so they can have the same opportunity. This teaching comes with the ability to make great money, which is a perk nobody can refuse.
Ben Vastola - DSPCC Performance Coach Level 2
The opportunity to attend a DSPCC is one of greatest opportunities a sports performance coach can be given. The greatest value I have found is getting to see Darius sharing his wisdom and energy. His ability to inspire people and the energy he brings to everything he does is contagious and is so valuable to have when training clients.
Another great reason to attend a DSPCC is you walk away with the best skills and training methods you need to help your clients. Every single aspect of the certification is a great learning opportunity for a coach’s development and a client’s development.
Luke Morken - DSPCC Performance Coach Level 2
As an athlete, there are many qualities that one must develop in order to be the best version of themselves. And while many athletes have all these qualities, it’s still not enough to merely “have” them.
What makes the DSPCC special is that it not only teaches coaches and athletes how to train power, strength, and mobility, it also teaches them why they should train them and the implications it has in regards to their performance on the field.
As an athlete, attending the DSPCC is an invaluable experience. Not only can an athlete improve their own performance, but they can also take the knowledge they have gained from the event and use it to coach other young athletes.
The Great Escape, 00765