Midlands Hub: The S.H.E.D.: From ECR project to Community Interest Company
Fri 24 Mar 2023 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM GMT
Online, Zoom
The British Academy Early Career Researcher Network brings together ECRs across the humanities and social sciences disciplines, regardless of their funding source or background.
This online workshop will be run by Dr Rhiannon Jones, Associate Professor Civic, University of Derby and founding CEO of Designing Dialogue CIC (S.H.E.D) and Sarah Webb, Company Director of S.H.E.D, creative and cultural industry specialist. It will explore the opportunities and challenges of developing a spin out company from a H.E.I. and how a model for best practice has been developed through partnership working with external stakeholders. The session will be in two parts, the first will present S.H.E.D as a case study – it’s journey from being a ECR project, through to becoming an established voluntary sector organisation that tours nationally and has engaged with over 20,000 audiences and acts as a bridge between High Education and the public. Creating opportunities for knowledge exchange, public engagement and research. S.H.E.D was a finalist for the Shed of the Year in 2000, Green Gown Award Finalist 2021, University Alliance Award finalist 2022 and has been presented as a case study for Design Council UK, All-party Parliamentary Group Design and Innovation (APDIG), Council Higher Education Art and Design (CHEAD), and National Centre for Cultural and Academic Excellence (NCACE) and Cumulus, Global Art and Design Association. Sarah, will provide insights into what it is really like to work on a research project through the eyes of a external stakeholder working with H.E for the first time. Rhiannon and Sarah will reflect on working together in the creative industry, different reporting needs, priorities, use of language between academia and industry and the day to day reality of running a CIC and delivering its projects in partnership with academics and a University!
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