Supervision – what we all need to know despite our experience
Thu 18 Jul 2024 13:00 - 14:30
Hailsham Family Hub, Vega Cl, BN27 2JZ
Please can you prioritise attending this supervision workshop. This invite is for PMS, OMs and HOS and is as relevant for new managers as it is for those that have been with ESCC for decades! The quality of supervision in ESCC is of a high standard and that comes through feedback practitioners give in the health survey year by year. However developing our supervision skills is a career long project and we need to constantly go back to make sure that we have the key elements in place. As we all know one of the key findings from Ofsted was that the quality of supervision recording needed improving with more evidence of direction and challenge. This workshop will review the updated supervision policy and also will focus on the skills needed to record the high quality supervision that is occurring all ready. The workshop will also remind us of the importance of reviewing child’s plans, care plans, pathway plans and other important planning and intervention docs within supervision itself.
Hailsham Family Hub, Vega Cl, BN27 2JZ