52 minutes to a meaningful career - Exploring Meaningful Career Paths with Mina Aslan
Wed 19 Apr 2023 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM CEST
Online, Zoom
Due to popular demand we are now in the third series of this #52MinutesToYourMeaningfulCareer LIVE interactive sessions.
Martina invites you to join and interact with Mina Aslan one of the young professional keynote speakers that a number of you suggested for this year's ebbf annual conference SEE HERE.
Whether you will be lucky enough to be in Lisbon and want to get a sense of some of the challenges we will cover there or if you can't make it there and want to learn with Mina, this is your opportunity.
Mina will interact with you answering your questions both about the common challenges in setting one's purpose and taking the right steps and asking the right questions towards a meaninful career but also to help her address the challenge she is bringing to the annual conference:
How can we empower communities to become designers of the systems of a new world order built on human nobility?
MORE SUMMARIES IN THIS #52MinutesToYourMeaningfulCareer SERIES HERE:
MORE ABOUT Mina Aslan here: