Edengrove Bethlehem Village 2023
Multiple dates and times
Edengrove Presbyterian Church, BT24 8HP
Welcome to Edengrove Bethlehem Village 2023...
What? An Interactive family Experience that will tell the real Christmas story in a brand new way. Brought to life by live animals, actors and our Bethlehem Village.
When? Saturday 9th December 2023 2pm - 7pm
Where? Edengrove Presbyterian Church, Ballynahinch
Why? To capture the hearts and minds of children and adults through a live experience of Bethlehem to remind people that Christmas begins with Christ.
Who? Your family, friends and neighbours
How much? FREE!
Additional Information
Parking - Available in the following locations
Ballynahinch Primary School, Dromore Street (2 mins walk)
Ballynahinch Congregational Church, Dromore Street (4mins walk)
Antrim Road Car Park (7 mins Walk)
Event Information
The event is indoor and outdoor so suitable clothing is recommended
Stairs are involved during the tour
Children must be supervised at all times by an appropriate adult
Storage for buggies will be available
Tour/ village experience will last approximately 90mins
For visitors with accessibility issues, for details of our autism-friendly tour, or for any other queries please contact us via email at edengrovepc.bv@gmail.com
We look forward to welcoming you on the day
Edengrove Presbyterian Church, BT24 8HP