Leavers' Classes of 1984, 1985, 1986 40th Reunion
Fri 28 Mar 2025 5:00 PM - 11:00 PM GMT
The Edinburgh Academy, EH3 5BL
We are delighted to welcome back the Leavers' Classes of 1984, 1985, 1986 to the Academy for your 40th, or soon to be 40th Reunion!
The programme for the evening will be:
- 5-6 pm: Tours of the School and Archives
- 6-7 pm: Welcome Drinks Reception in the Eric Stevenson Learning Commons atrium
- 7-11 pm: Buffet dinner in the le Roux Auditorium (please indicate dietary and allergy requirements at booking)
The cost of the evening is £40 per person, and an RSVP is essential (partners are welcome). There will also be a cash/card bar available.
Please RSVP by 04 March 2025.
We are looking forward to seeing you and if you have any photographs, please can you send us a scanned copy or bring them with you!
Also please help us spread the word to your fellow Class members as we do not have everyone's most current contact details.
Photographs will be taken at this event for marketing and archival purposes, they will be used within The Edinburgh Academy and the Academical community.
Data: updated information provided will be held and used in accordance with our Privacy Notice (https://www.edinburghacademy.org.uk/11/privacy-policy) and any mailing or email preferences of which you have made us aware.
The Edinburgh Academy, EH3 5BL