EROS ∞ Medicine // Spring Equinox Temple of Empowerment Retreat
Fri 20 Mar 2020 4:00 PM - Sun 22 Mar 2020 7:00 PM CET
UHU Salon, 12435
🌷 Spring Equinox Temple of Empowerment Retreat 🌷
16th - 18th November 2018
A three-day journey of Sacred Sexuality & Empowerment rituals, workshops, community process, dance, meditation and Temple Night with cacao magic.
Play and pray with us in exploration of bliss embodied. We offer a devotional approach to pleasure, sensuality and s-xuality. A space where sacred and profane meet in acceptance, permission and self-love.A place of healing through togetherness and nourishing of bodies and souls.
This special and unique Spring Equinox Retreat is dedicated to rituals of sacred s-xuality, empowerment through pleasure and open Temple space for exploring desire, authentic flow, expression of truth and community of people connecting with Eros – life-force energy.
Together we create a new paradigm of relating, loving and being in community where our sensuality and s-xuality is celebrated, nourished and used for prayer and manifestation. During the open Temple space on Saturday night we fully embody what we have learned during the workshop and group process times. We let it run through our neurological system, deeply nourish us and re-programme the old patterns of lack, shame and guilt around intimacy, sexuality and the body. Enhancing our experience of life force energy and personal power. Healing our self-concepts and enhancing healthy relationship with ourselves and the other.
Open to beginners with some experience and temple-goers alike; and to both couples and individuals.
This is the new way to fully celebrate embodied existence!
🌷∞ : : WHAT HAPPENS DURING THE RETREAT? : : ∞: : dance meditation – body, breath & voice opening : : ground setting and creating a safe container of New Culture in a group: : self-consciousness, authenticity & transparency : : heart-centered group process of claiming more power out of our shadows: : emotion and s-x-positive space - permission to be oneself in full spectrum : : active meditations: : healing of intimacy & heart connection : : community, celebration & being ‘you’ : : cacao magic: : sauna : : open Temple space for exploration & embodiment of the learnings: : pleasure rituals: : harvest, completion meditation & surprise closing ritual
🌷∞ : : DATES & TIMES : : ∞
20th-22nd March 2020
Friday - 4pm – 11pm
Saturday - 10am – 1am (next day)
Sunday - 11am - 6pm
The feedback, which we most often get from our participants, is that we create a safe space for them. Nudity, touch and sexual engagement is optional and always at your own discernment. Being in your truth and owning your accurate needs and desires is encouraged at all times in the space. Needs for relaxation, self-centeredness and emotional ease are addressed first before going into intimate contact with others.
The container we create encourages total self-responsibility for our emotions, and non-reactional supportive space-holding from the entire group. It is a space where people can dive into their process and also to transcend any wounding and go into blissful collective realities where we get to experience new ways of being and relating. Healing of our broken selves might take forever and we take a loving-kindness approach towards that. At the same time, there is a frequency known to all of us in our cellular memory of healed and wholesome life where each movement is a prayer to existence. This is a space, which we often tap into in Temples of Sacred Sexuality and where we would like to invite you into.
🌷∞ : : ENERGY EXCHANGE : : ∞
(price includes the Retreat with 2 night shared-space optional sleepover, Temple Night with cacao, Sauna and light snacks on Saturday night; it doesn’t include meals)
250€ ~ Super Early Bird (first 6 tickets) >>> Join as 2 or more >>> 230€ each
290€ ~ Early Bird (second 6 tickets) >>> Join as 2 or more >>> 270€ each
330€ ~ Regular price (last 6 tickets) >>> Join as 2 or more >>> 310€ each
~ space limited to 18 participants ~
🌷 ∞ : : REGISTRATION : : ∞
1) Fill up a Registration Form at: you are joining as a couple please register independently)
2) Buy a deposit ticket HERE. Bring rest in cash. The deposit is non-refundable. Please read full terms and conditions before registering.
A welcome email with all information will arrive some days before the start date. From (check your spam if you still haven't receive anything 3 days before the event). Read it well.
Sleepover is optional at the venue. It costs additional 10€/nigh (mattresses are provided, bring your own blanket / sleeping bag & pillow).
Food: please bring your own food (to share) for the weekend. There is a kitchen with a stove to heat up pre-prepared food and fridge to store food.
Saturday Temple Night with Cacao Magic is open for other people with previous experience in our work / s-x-positive spaces / poly-gatherings / sacred s-xuality. Spaces are limited. There is a private fb event for the Temple Night.
Please note that this 3 day journey is FREE of any mind-altering substances (hmmm besides cacao) and FREE of chemical perfumes.
WHAT TO BRING? Your hot self in a s-xy sacred outfit or outrageously colourful fairy costume (truly anything sacred/comfy you feel like). Sarong / towel / bed sheet, notebook, change of cloths, food for lunch and dinner to share for sure and anything else you like (e.g. massage oil, play toys, instruments etc).
🌷∞ : : WHO IS THIS RETREAT FOR? : : ∞ ...for those ready to claim more of their personal power in life!…for those who wish to unshame and liberate their s-xuality and claim their pleasure.…for those who like to play and feel connected in community.…for those who wish to learn new revolutionary life and relationship skills.… for touch and cuddle lovers.…for singles and couples with some practice or curiously for non-monogamy.…for beginners in sacred sexuality and Temple-goers alike.… for spiritual seekers who wish to make love with creation.
🐉 💗 ∞ : : WHAT PEOPLE SAY : :
∞"I'm vibrating, highest, purest energy. I will use this condition to let go of old patterns. I met a few ugly shadow faces thank you!!! The whole event was so wisely and beautifully arranged, I'm grateful."~Susan
"The temple nights were such a source of power and love. Aleksandra and Ananda providing a safe space for everybody. Everything is allowed, nothing has to be. A great combination of meditation, dance, sensuality and connecting with people on so many levels. For me it is such a great opportunity to have that here in Berlin, integrated in my daily life, and not just as an isolated experience in a retreat. What a different way of celebrating a Saturday night!"~ Sonja
"You were offering the invitation to come into deeper states of authenticity within our own spirituality, sensuality and se✖uality. This space was created with an invitation for everybody to raise their frequency, raise up their energy and become more into connection to divinity. The purity of that intention was carried through immensely into my body, into my heart and into my life".~ Freya
"I’m deeply touched by the created energy of all the temple sisters and brothers. There have been so many authentic moments of understanding, trusting, being held…. Thanks so much."~Mark
“I feel very much transformed and attribute most of this to my change of behaviour due to your Temples. You guys are awesome! I feel very close and very connected to so many women right now. I can barely express how I feel right now. Purr purr!”~ Jens
"I’ve made my first beautiful experience with free love and open relationships. It was with great feeling of thankfulness, joy, pleasure, peace and I felt myself so beautiful and connected to human beings. ..."~ Caroline
"Vast space. Someone playing the guitar and singing, two people kissing soft and gentle. A group of three or five or humans cuddling and enjoying each other. Emotional release, lots of shaking. Someone dancing the dance of life itself. Sharing visions and prayers. The taste of Cacao on the tongue, feeling its fire running through the body. Everything is welcomed, all is perfect, nothing has to happen. The space wonderful Aleksandra and Ananda are holding is very special in its sweetness, playfulness and innocent wildness. They create a safe container for the medicine and the mystery to unfold. Experiencing more and more love and EROS to live a new culture into its existence. Thank you for all the bliss and growth and celebration!"~ Joshua
See you in celebration, healing and power,
Aleksandra & Ananda
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ALEKSANDRA GRZEBALSKA (Poland) - a wild creative exploreress who prays in dance and love-making, visionary, polyamory activist, event-producer, ISTA graduate and organiser, ex-space-holder at Valle de Sensaciones Eros Lab and Summer of Eros, and co-founder of EROS Medicine. After more than a decade of self-discovery and many adventures re-imagining herself and finding community, freedom, love and empowerment she now crafts herself as an ecstatic facilitator. With MSc in Social & Cultural Psychology and background in conflict mediation, she is passionate about creating new social realities which permit humans to express the whole spectrum of their beings and tap to their highest potential, and shadow alike. Dedicating her life to healing and transitioning towards the Next Culture and heavenly existence on Earth.
ANANDA AMIT ANGELO GOLDENBERG (Israel) - Is a spiritual teacher, sex shaman, leader, coach and a father of three. In his work he supports people to empowerment, pleasure and ecstatic current by letting go of guilt and shame around sexuality. His journey began as a dancer at the “Bat-Sheva” dance company exploring the GAGA movement, parallel to working as a professional guitarist. Later, leading his own dance company and choreographing with his partner for 12 years. He was the founder and leader for 7 years of the Israeli dancer’s union, and took part in founding the Israeli choreographer’s association and the first Tel-Aviv Waldorf school “Bait Chinuch Aviv”. He is currently holding Temples, retreats and workshops of sacred sexuality in Europe. Coaching, giving body sessions, and an apprentice Facilitator at ISTA (The International School of Temple Arts).
“My research in dance was mostly focused on body awareness, somatic and the present moment. The journey led me into deep practices of spirituality and consciousness. Realising that any moment in the dance of life is a sacred expression, the unique gift of our life force, led me to Tantra and Sacred Sexuality. I am inviting my brothers and sisters to play freely and walk this earth shining their pleasure and light.
I am here to support let go of guilt and shame, and to create with you a new culture of relating in the religion of love ♥”
UHU Salon, 12435