Royal Deeside Motor Show 2021
Sat 14 Aug 2021 10:00 AM - Sun 15 Aug 2021 5:00 PM BST
Kincardine Castle and Estate, AB34 5AE
The Royal Deeside Motor Show, sponsored by Lamborghini Edinburgh, is a new addition to Scotland's motor show events calendar, attracting over 5,000 per day to the beautiful surroundings of Kincardine Castle and Estate in Aberdeenshire within a COVID-compliant setting.
Enthusiasts are invited to join us at Kincardine Castle and Estate, to be thrilled by the largest gathering of rare motors, including performance, classic, retro, contemporary, agri, leisure and heavy haulage, spanning motorcars, motorbikes, campers, 4x4s, tractors, HGVs and so much more.
Children under the age of 8 go for free!
Check out our website to find out more!
Kincardine Castle and Estate, AB34 5AE