EMBODYING SNAKE: Intro Session to Snake Medicine for our Times with Eva Weaver (free/donaton)
Tue 28 Jan 2025 6:30 PM - 7:45 PM GMT
Online, Zoom
EMBODYING SNAKE- Intro to Snake Medicine for our Times
with Eva Weaver, author, coach, shamanic practitioner & snake medicine guide
This INTRO SESSION EMBODYING THE SNAKE is an invitation to learn about Snake Medicine
and connect with serpent symbolism through an illuminating illustrated talk, time with your journals,
a gentle embodiment exercise & Q&A.
Learn what Snake Medicine is all about & what snakes can teach us for our lives!
Snakes are creatures of the threshold and often associated with initiation, transformation, healing, sexuality and sensuality and creativity.
As we learn to navigate the many challenges of our times and in our own lives, we can tune into the energy of snakes for guidance.
Snakes are masters of residing in the void, shedding their skins and creating themselves anew.
Snake also has a lot to teach us about embodiment: connecting with love to our bodies, inhabiting our skin, deep listening, resting & embodied intuition...
Come join us and open to the wisdom of the snakes!
Snake Medicine firstly is all that we can learn from actual snakes: their appearance and behaviour such as shedding, hunting, resting and cyclical living, as well as from the symbolism of the Serpent as found all over the globe and the fact that Snake has been revered for millennia before being vilified and demonised.
There are many ways we can engage with Snake Medicine: it could be through observing snake’s process of shedding, the way they are built, sense and navigate their habitat or how they behave when threatened, as well as learning about how Serpent has been honoured and associated with themes of sexuality, fertility, healing, guardianship, regeneration, death and rebirth and cyclical living for thousands of years.
Snake Medicine helps us to...
- Connect with our gut instincts & embody our wild, sensual & sexual nature
- Live more harmonically with our bodies’ cycles & rhythms
- Face our fears & learn to set good boundaries
- Live with more presence & embrace significant changes with power
- Lean into rest and the rhythms of life rather than stay in fixing & doing mode
- Connect with our creative life force energy and ecstatic nature
- Tap into the mystery of life and our own, individual spiritual
Come join me for this Intro to Snake medicine and learn how Serpent can support you in your life!
There will be time to ask questions and I will also introduce my upcoming
* 8-week Embodying the Snake course *which will start 20th of February.
You can find out more about this course HERE.
- For any questions please email: info@evaweaver.com
You will receive more info and zoom link after booking.
I am so looking forward to seeing you!
With serpent blessings
About Eva Weaver
Eva is a queer author, coach & bodyworker. Her lifelong interest in embodiment, creativity and the power of the erotic has led her to train as an art therapist, breathwork practitioner, Firewalk instructor and eventually as a sexological bodyworker.
Now, she is weaving the creative, embodied and erotic into powerful offerings, be it through Writing from the Body, Wild Write groups, Back to Sex coaching, or Snake Medicine Retreats.
She is also in training with her beautiful Royal Python Syd, her snake companion of four years and her late snake Myst, who still teaches from the beyond. Eva has been fascinated by snakes all of her life, especially exploring what the snake priestesses of ancient Greece can teach us now. She loves to breathe new life into this tradition whilst honouring this lineage.
Eva has been running workshop and retreats for thirty years, both in the UK and internationally. She brings her unique style of warmth, depth, humour, knowledge and compassion to all of her work, leading people on deep, empowering journeys.
She lives in Saltdean, near Brighton at Phoenix Nest, from which she runs one to one immersions and small retreats.