Discovering Anatomy Virtual Dissection Course
Thu Jan 14, 2021 - Tue May 18, 2021
Online, Zoom
Experience Anatomy has developed several interactive virtual sessions reviewing the basic anatomical structures and physiology of various body systems. Participants will be guided through a dissection to gain a more thorough understanding of the human body by our resident anatomist. Everything you need to learn and perform the dissection is included!
Heart Dissection —
Participants will dissect a pig heart during this course. We will discuss the pathway blood flows through the heart, the electrical impulses of the heart and how those electrical impulses are measured with an ECG. Make sure you register by September 1st to ensure your activity kit arrives in time.
Eye Dissection —
Participants will dissect a cow eye during this course. We will review the anatomical structures of the eye and talk about how our brain interprets visual input. Make sure you register by February 7th, 2021 to ensure your activity kit arrives in time
Brain Dissection (March 11th, 2021; 4:30-6pm EST & 7-8:30 EST)
Participants will dissect two sheep brains during this course. We will discuss nerve impulses and how neurons communicate within the brain. Make sure you register by March 1st, 2021 to ensure your activity kit arrives in time.
Digestive System Dissection (April 13th, 2021; 4:30-6:30pm EST & 7-9pm EST)
Participants will dissect a fetal pig during this session. We will follow the path food takes through our body and discuss where and what is digested throughout the system. Make sure you register by April 5th, 2021 to ensure your activity kit arrives in time.
Lung Dissection (May 18th, 2021; 4:30-6pm EST & 7-8:30pm EST)
Participants will dissect sheep lungs during this course. We will review the pathway air takes to enter the lungs and discuss how respiration occurs at the level of the alveoli. Make sure you register by May 10th, 2021 to ensure your activity kit arrives in time.