Bus to: Restore Nature Now Rally - London Sat 22 June
Sat 22 Jun 2024 7:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Park Lane, Central London, W1k
The natural world is in trouble and we need to take action. (RestoreNatureNow.com)
Nature is in crisis, but its cries are struggling to be heard. It’s time for us to raise the roof. (RSBP)
The next generation deserves a world free from the threat of climate catastrophe and where nature is thriving. (Born Free Organisation)
Creation is in crisis. (Christian Climate Action)
Nature Needs You! Rivers choking on pollution, precious woodlands destroyed, seas overfished & peat bogs burned. Nature in the UK is being assaulted. (Extinction Rebellion)
Wildlife and climate campaigners unite in what could be the biggest ever march for nature (The Wildlife Trusts)
We're asking anyone who cares about the natural world to march peacefully and legally with us. (WWF)
Which ever group you align with, or none, join with other Dorset folk who care about nature, our countryside, our seas and rivers, our ecology. Come on the bus, a safe, friendly and affordable way to take part in this rally for nature.
Get on the bus at: Weymouth (King's Statue) - Dorchester (Tesco) - Wareham (Red Lion) - Wimborne (The Square).
We are doing this on a pay-what-you-can basis so if you are able to afford a contribution to the costs please donate, if not just book a ticket for free. For reference the full cost per person would be £23.
About the Rally
Gather at Park Lane, London, W1K, between midday and 1pm on Saturday 22 June 2024.
From there the march will take a predetermined route through the city before ending in Parliament Square.
There will be family friendly performance art, sculptures, singing and more for added entertainment for our marchers. The march will be wheelchair accessible and BSL interpreted.
The culmination of the march will see a central ‘rally’ in Parliament Square at around 2.30pm. This will see well-known names and faces speaking to marchers about the political and policy changes we need to see to finally turn the tide for the environment and Restore Nature Now.
Park Lane, Central London, W1k