Inspire (Children's Ministry Leadership Training): Welcoming families with additional needs
Tue 28 Jan 2025 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM GMT
Online, Zoom
The topic for this session is Welcoming families with additional deeds.
Here at Faith in Kids, we want to help you share the welcome Jesus offers to all children. In this session, we will focus on including children with additional needs in our ministry settings. We will root what we learn in gospel principles and learn how to better understand the needs of every child. With help to explore ways we can include every child, communicate well and disciple creatively and the chance to talk through scenarios in breakout groups, share ideas and realistic practical tips, you will leave this session equipped and encouraged to share a better welcome.
We are delighted that Triona Brading, a disability champion and SEND coordinator for her church network will be joining us.