Fiske Fair
Sun May 19, 2024 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Fiske Field, 02420
SUNDAY, MAY 19, 2024
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
FROM 10:30 - 11:00 AM
The Fiske Fair is an annual Fiske tradition, a great time at the end of the school year for friends
and families to come together in the Fiske Community. Come and join us for games, music, food
and fun!
We will celebrate RAIN or SHINE so please come for a fun day!
- Giant Inflatables
- Hot-Wheels Races
- Dunk Tank
- Cake Train (see more details below)
- Lunch items from the Grill
- Italian Ice, Popcorn and Cotton Candy
- Airbrush Tattoos
- “Book Nook” (see more details below)
- Face Painting
- Arts & Crafts
- Gaga Pit
- Raffle Baskets
- Robots by LHS Robotics Teams
Bean Bag Toss**
Sponge Toss**
Ring Toss**
Face Painting
Gaga Pit
Dunk Tank
Arts & Crafts
Obstacle Course
Bouncy Castle
First Robotics Demo
Games and snacks that will require tickets:
1 ticket/$1:
Bottle of Water
Cotton Candy
The “Book Nook”
2 tickets/$2:
Cake Train
Hot Wheels Race**
3 tickets/$3:
Italian Ice
Airbrushed Tattoo
** YELLOW Tickets won at these games may be redeemed for prizes at Prize Table
Includes: Fruit, chips, water and choice of:
- Hot Dog
- Hamburger
- Veggie Burger
- Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Raffle Baskets
Take a chance on winning one of our amazing baskets!
10 Tickets for $10 or 30 Tickets for $20
Packages will be available for purchase:
FUN Package: $10
NOT HUNGRY? For $10, you get 10 WHITE TICKETS*, which would allow you to purchase 1 Snack (Popcorn or Cotton Candy), 1 Airbrushed Tattoo, 1 Book, 1 Hot Wheels race – and 2 rounds at the Cake Train!
VIP KID Package: $20
TRY IT ALL! For $20, you get 1 MEAL TICKET & 14 WHITE TICKETS*, which would allow you to purchase 1 Popcorn, 1 Cotton Candy, 1 Italian Ice, 1 Airbrushed Tattoo, 1 Book, 1 Hot Wheels Race – and 2 rounds at the Cake Train! ($22 Value)
FAMILY Package: $60
FUN FOR EVERYONE! For $60, you get 4 MEAL TICKETS, 10 RAFFLE TICKETS & 20 WHITE TICKETS*, which could include: 2 Italian Ices, 2 Airbrushed Tattoos, 2 Books, 2 Hot Wheels races – and 2 rounds at the Cake Train! ($62 Value)
* White Tickets can be used at any “White Ticket” Booth – they do not need to be used as listed
+++ NO REFUNDS +++
- The Cake Train is a highly anticipated tradition in which the winner of each round of “musical chairs” wins a delicious baked good.
- Each family is asked to fill a cake box with a nut-free homemade or store bought baked treat for the Cake Train. Cake boxes will be passed out a week before the fair begins. Lookout for these and participation is GREATLY appreciated in the baking or buying of sweet treats for our beloved Cake Train.
- Kindly drop your cake box(es) at the Cake Train Station when you arrive at The Fair on May 21st.
We will be including a Book Sale as part of the Fiske Fair, please bring books to donate the week before the fair. If you have any children’s books you've been looking to pass on, please consider donating them to the Fair. Books can be dropped off in a labeled bin in the Fiske front breezeway - feel free to send them in with your child and direct your child to the Fair book bin near the front office
Fiske Field, 02420